Time taken to rank in google search

Age of Top-Ranking Pages
The age is determined from the point when our crawlers first detected the page. The actual age of the page could be close, if not exact because we crawl the web at a high speed. According to our observation, the average top 10 ranking page is more than 2 years old. And the one on the top are more than 3 years old. This is an average age. Only 22% of the pages which currently rank in the top 10 were created within 1 year. On checking what percentage of pages at each ranking position were less than 1 year old, it was found that SERP is clearly dominated by old pages, with considerable age.
The Time Taken For a Page to Rank on Google
For this, we randomly chose 2 million pages observed a year ago. Then, we performed tracking the position history for any keyword that the page is ranked for. It was found that only 5.7 % of all studied pages ranked in the top 10 search results within 1 year for at least 1 keyword. Pages from high domain authority obviously performed better than the pages with low domain authority. Domain authority correlates with Google rankings and is one of the major factors for ranking. Then, we checked those specific 5.7 % of pages to see how quickly they escalated their rankings.
A majority of such
pages managed to achieve the same in approximately 61 to 182 days. In the
next move, we calculated the numbers based on monthly search volume of the
keywords. It was determined that only 0.3 % of pages ranked in the top 10 for a
high-volume keyword in less than a year. The bottom-line is that rank for
low-volume keywords takes a very short time; and the high-volume ones take almost
a year to get into the top 10. It is reminded that this observation holds only
for the 5.7 % of pages, not the 95 %.We cover similar stories and research articles at RitSan , visit the website to read more internet marketing articles and spread some love.
The Final Observation
Did our observations were strong enough to give the correct answer to the question ‘how long does it take to rank’? No. But we deduced that almost 95% of newly published pages take at least a year to get into the top 10. And most of the lucky ones take it around 2 to 6 months. Of course, the factors mentioned at the top do count in because it is only hard work, quality, and good SEO strategy which makes them rank within a small frame of time.