Three Ways Of Building Your List
Everyone talks about the fact that ‘the money is in the list’ and it is perfectly true. You might not however have a clue about how to actually start building your list and that’s where this article comes in.
Before you start you’ll need a few basics in place. You will need a product to give away for free, a squeeze page (a page on the internet where people enter their name and email address and join your list in return for the freebie) and an autoresponder account such as TrafficWave.
Got those? Ok, here are three ways of building your list…
I have used this to great effect and it is a great way to kickstart your list building. To do this you must be in the internet marketing niche but if you are I highly recommend it as a starting point. The Warrior Forum is an internet business discussion forum and the WSO section is a special place where members can advertise special offers to other forum members. The beauty of it is that the people who view your ad are going to be highly targeted and let me tell you now this place gets a LOT of traffic. Stick your free offer on there and as long as it’s a decent product you should see the first people joining your list within minutes of posting your ad…
Once you’ve got a small list (I would say of at least 100 people) then you can move on to adswaps. The concept is pretty simple – you find someone else who would be willing to mail your offer to their list in return for you doing the same for them. You’ll either need to find someone with a similar size list or agree to mail more than once. Adswaps are free but are a highly effective way of building your list.
Solo ads
A solo ad is when you pay someone else to send a broadcast email out to their list advertising your product. It is called a solo ad because the single purpose of the email will be to advertise your product. The key with this, as it is with adswaps, is to choose advertising partners carefully. You need to make sure that the list your are placing your solo advertisement with has subscribers who will be interested in your freebie. If they aren’t then they are not going to be joining your list any time soon…
Here is my List Building Basics Report
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