Things You Should Know About the Liabilities of the Towing Services
You never know when your vehicle will ditch you in the middle of nowhere. Normally the towing company is required to exercise the care needed for a reasonable person and his or her vehicle. But if a towing company fails to use this care and show negligence, then they are liable for the injuries that were caused by their negligence.
This article provides a detailed insight of the liabilities of the towing services that you should know:
Towing vehicles is a huge responsibility in itself. The truck drivers cannot afford to make mistakes. A tow company is taken to be liable and consideration if they lead to any injuries at the time of towing. Quite often, the presence of a tow truck at the highway is not negligible but it does require due care. It was seen in one of the many cases, the tow truck was taken liable for the injuries that it caused at the time of attempting to tow a car in a lane while the truck protruded into the other lane.
If a tow connection is hidden or discovery of it becomes difficult, then the tow company may be held liable. In such cases, the tow connection is generally indicated by lights or signal warnings! The tow truck driver must always give proper signals of his or her approach. If they fail to do so then they are labeled as being negligent.
- The car getting damaged in the tow yard
The people who hire towing service in Blackburn often enquire ‘What if my car gets damaged in the Tow yard’. Quite often it has been seen that the vehicle got damaged in the tow yard and few of its precious elements were stolen! This act is awful and the tow company will be liable for any such breach in the code of conduct! The security officials of the towing company are the ones who have to look after the vehicle once it has reached the tow yard. In order to make sure that the incident of stealing has actually happened, the towing company has to foresee it. In order to be foreseeable, they must have been in the plain view at the time of towing the vehicle; this will help in the anticipation of the reason.
- Attorney consultation
Many people get confused whether or not to consult an attorney for such damages. There are many dodgy tow companies that use several clauses to prove that the damage caused was not their lookout! So you might find it difficult to prove. Also if you are at loss, suffered injury or had some vehicle damage, you are free to approach any attorney of your choice. You can always look up for tow companies who have good testimonies. As the ones who have good client reviews will never do any such shady things!
So if you get stuck and need the help of a towing truck in Melbourne then make sure to remember the above liabilities. Hire the towing service on the basis of their license and insurance. A reliable company will be an experienced one and will not let you down on the basis of their service!
Comments (1)
Nandkishore Deopersa...
Very informative Many people get confused about whether or not to consult an attorney for such damages. There are many dodgy tow companies.