Things You Need to Know About 3d VR Glasses

Posted by Kancha India
Mar 22, 2017

vr glasses

VR glasses, a product to change the imagination of viewers. The device which is light weight and portable. Initially the price of VR was so high that it was out of the reach of average customers, But in the present world where technology is a part of human life and adaptation of technology rapidly increases. Machines are so involved between us that our mostly works are dependable on them, robots are the best example which shows how the trend changes.

Tech industries are far ahead to adapt the technologies and creating lots of variations in their products and provides lots of additional gadgets free to attract the customers through offers. In these days one product Virtual Reality glasses are rulings into the market and became a trend between youths to enjoy the free time. These products are designed for those who are fun, game and entertainment lovers. VR glasses are generally used to watch movies and gaming purposes. Kids and youth are mostly attracted towards Virtual Reality glasses and on the same line VR is getting attention in between youths. VR glasses are used for entertainment, game, and virtual tour, reproduce the scene of crime, Medical, watch live streaming etc.

There are some other companies in India which are known & well established in the market like Venzix, CastMVR, VRSNA, etc

Venzix - This VR Company makes two devices, the M100 and M300, which are what Google Glass tried and failed to be. It also makes iWear, a headset that offers the equivalent of a 125-inch 3D screen and headphones with surround sound. It works with videogames to give 3D immersion.

CastMVR - CastMVR glasses are a spinoff from game developer Valve Software that projects 3D holographic images in front of your eyes to offer a virtual layer on top of the real world (similar to Magic Leap) or feel like you’re immersed inside a game world.

RR Glasses (BASIC) – RR Glasses designed by considering the customer’s comfortability in terms of Price and uses. The product which is for any handset from 4.5inches to 5.5 inches with 1 year warranty. The product with the features of 3D gaming & virtual reality, anti dust design. RR glasses (BASIC) is designed for those who are passionate for movie and games.

VRSNA - With a VR headset and intuitive and expressive controller, VRSNA uses a specialized Smartphone to explore virtual spaces, play games, and watch films. AEC professionals can use this technology to improve design critique, quality control, and client communications without misinterpretations. It stands apart from the competition in that it has its own remote and relies on Smartphone.

RR Glasses (PRO) This is the advanced version of the 3d Virtual Reality Glasses with two version PRO-HP.& PRO-BT . PRO-HP has features of Bluetooth and in PRO - BT there would be a one additional feature of Bluetooth including headphone and game controller.  It is newly developed 3D zoom glasses for mobile users and viewers can enjoy a 3D view in a normal mobile.

Credit to Naveen Kumar Mishra On Behalf of

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