Things to Remember While Buying a Health Insurance Policy

Medical emergencies can come out of the blue and preparation for such emergencies is very much necessary. While most of the people follow a healthy lifestyle to avoid such situations but adding a health insurance policy to your healthy lifestyle is a smart decision because everybody is vulnerable to health issues.
Just buying a health insurance policy will only make you an insured person, but going for the right health insurance policy will give you the actual benefits. The health insurance policy has changed a lot since its introduction, with addition of benefits, many limitations and clauses have also been added. For choosing the right health insurance policy, you should know some important points.
So, we will try to look at the things to remember while buying a health insurance policy through this article
Check Network of hospitals
Always check the network of hospitals of your health insurance company and see that the hospitals are available in your locality or not. You can avail cashless treatment in the network of hospitals only. If your health insurance policy has a huge network of hospitals, but all the hospitals are very far from your locality, then in case of emergency, you will find it difficult to avail cashless treatment, which is the one of the biggest advantages of health insurance policy.
Choose a policy with easy Claim settlement process
Your policy should provide quick and easy claim settlement. You should check the claim settlement ratio of health insurance companies, which is issued by IRDAI for every financial year. A high claim settlement ratio will increase your chances of successful claim settlement. You should also know whether the claim settlement process of your health insurance company is easy and quick or not because a cumbersome claim settlement process at the time of medical emergency will only add up to your difficulties..
Understand no claim bonus
Health insurance companies reward an insured person for a maintaining good health in the form of no claim bonus. If an insured person doesn't make a claim for certain period of time (generally for a year), then no claim bonus is given to the policyholder in the form of decreased premium rates or increased sum assured. You should know the clause of no claim bonus of your policy to avail its benefits.
Go for lifetime renewability
A lifetime renewability option in your health insurance policy will allow you to renew the policy at any age of your life. Some health insurance policy comes with a limit of renewability in which, after a certain age, you will not be allowed to renew the policy and need of health care increases with advancement in age. It is also necessary if you are buying a health insurance policy for your elderly parents.
Check the fine prints of Co-pay
A Co-pay clause under your policy will make you pay a fixed percentage of claim amount and the rest will be paid by the company. An employer provided group health insurance always comes with a Co-pay clause. You might find health insurance policies to be cheaper with higher Co-pay from your side, but it will also increase your burden of payment. If you require frequent medical attention, then it is better to go for policies without any Co-pay clause. The terms and condition of Co-pay clause is clearly mentioned in the brochure and you should understand it well.
Never hide information
You may think that by hiding your health condition, you will succeed in locking your premium at low rate. But while making a claim, if the company finds out that any information provided by the insured person is misleading, then they will cancel the claim immediately and you will be left with no option. If you have any ailment then it is better to reveal it and get cover for it under pre-existing diseases clause. It will cost you high premium rates for sure, but still it is better than getting your claim cancelled at the time of emergency.
Go for a policy with minimum sub limits
A sub limit sets a cap over different medical expenses during hospitalization. For example, there can be a sub limit on your room rent and in case you cross the sub limit, the extra expense will have to be paid by you. A higher sub limit will increase the burden of hospital expense on you. Always look for a policy which has a minimum or no sub limits.
Opt for a minimum waiting period
The time period for which you have to wait to get certain ailments covered under your policy is known as the waiting period. There is generally a minimum 30 days waiting period in most of the policies for making any claim while in the case of pre-existing disease, the waiting period varies from 2-4 years. It is always good to look for policies which have a minimum waiting period so that in case of medical emergency, you can avail the benefits of your health policy, as soon as possible.
A better understanding of your need and policy terms will help you choose the right health insurance policy. Analyze your options of health insurance policies on the basic parameters and don't rush in choosing your policy.