Things to Consider While Choosing Golf Putters

Posted by Hubert Maass
Nov 6, 2017

There is a saying that most men have more putters than ladies have footwear. Though it may not be true it is definitely important to pay extra attention while choosing a putter. There are certain things more important for your game than having a comfortable putter. You would find a number of different discount golf putters in the market which is fine. Variety means it would be easier for you to grab the best one. There are putters of different shapes, sizes, lengths, weights, and angles. These all factors are essential enough to affect your putting stroke. Some of the mentionable tips have been highlighted below that you must consider while buying golf putters.

  • Shape: As this has been notified before that putter come in various shapes such as heel-toe weighted putters, classic blade putters, and mallet putters. These all shapes are different due to unique distribution of weight. 1. Classic blade putter: this hangs with the toe aiming at the ground. 2. Heel-weighted putters: a player with the stroke inside-square-inside choose this kind of putters. 3. Mallet putters: due to having a larger and heavier head this putter is perfect for inside-square-square and square to square stroke.


  • Length: This might be one of the most important factors to take care while choosing a putter. When you are all set up and focusing on your stroke you tilt slightly with your hip over your heels, you bent your elbow touching your rib cage, you place your eyes over the ball. You putter needs to fit aptly into this set-up. Now if you have a standard length putter and find yourself gripping down the shaft then a shorter putter is the one for you.


  • Weight: If you cut your putter shaft to make a shorter putter for you is of no use. Each putter is built with a certain swing weight at a certain length. So be very careful while buying custom golf putters. A putter with a height of 35” usually gains a head weight of 330 grams. For a 34” putter the head weight should be from 350 to 350 gram. If you are looking for an even shorter putter of 32" to 33" then the head weight would be perfect if ranges from 370 to 380.


  • Balance point: There are basically two types of putter heads are available in the market out there naming toe balanced and toe balanced. According to your requirement go after the best one
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