Things to Avoid After a Breast Augmentation Surgery

Posted by Amalia Andy
Oct 11, 2022

Smooth recovery is as crucial for obtaining desired results from cosmetic surgery as the surgical procedure itself is. If you are getting breast augmentation or planning for it, it is essential that you fully understand how to take care of your body following the surgery and what the recovery period entails. Dive into this blog to know in detail the top dos and don’ts for your recovery period. 

The Top Don’ts 

Here are the activities that you need to avoid that can adversely affect your healing:

Don’t Wear Underwire Bras

After the surgery, your Plastic Surgeon will advise you to wear a surgical or sports bra and avoid wearing an underwire bra. This is because the regular bra can not only irritate your incisions and cause pain but also make it hard for your implants to settle in properly.

Don’t Sleep On Your Stomach

Your sleeping posture matters a lot during the recovery phase. Practitioners suggest that you sleep on your back with your shoulders and head in a slightly elevated position. You should avoid lying on your stomach or even on the side because this can cause your breast implants to shift to a new place, rotate, or turn upside down, hence complicating things.

Lying on the back in an elevated position, on the other hand, not only reduces fluid buildup but also increases circulation and keeps the breasts in their intended location. Plastic Surgeons also advise against putting pressure on your arms and chest muscles while getting up or lying down.

Steer Clear Of Alcohol

Patients are adviced to restrict consuming alcohol for a few weeks before and after the breast augmentation surgery. It is important for ensuring a successful recovery as alcohol consumption can compromise your immune system, and lead to dehydration. It also delays the healing process and causes post-surgery bleeding.

Stop or Minimize Your Aspirin Intake 

Aspirin affects the normal adherence of platelets thus increasing the risk of excessive bleeding. That is why it is normally advised that you stop this medication a few weeks prior to your surgery. Patients who continue taking aspirin after the procedure often present with hematoma (blood accumulation in the treated sites) later. Besides causing thinning of blood, aspirin also results in nausea and anemia.

Avoid Shower For the First 48 Hours

You might be wondering what’s the harm in taking a shower as it only cleans our body. But your wounds need at least 48 hours to close properly. If you wet the incisions during the first 2 days, you may cause them to reopen or expose them to infection. You can shower once this period has passed, however, avoid rubbing or picking on your wounds. You should use a gentle hand while washing them.

Give Up Sun Bathing for a While 

Ultraviolet rays can interfere with your healing by affecting collagen production and causing hyperpigmentation. That is why Plastic Surgeons instruct their patients to avoid sunlight as it can make their scars look darker and more prominent. Tanning beds should also be avoided for similar reasons.  

Stop Smoking for a While

You should quit smoking at least one month before and after your breast augmentation surgery. Nicotine present in cigarettes is known for constricting blood vessels. By making arteries narrower, nicotine comprises the normal blood supply to wounds, thus causing poor healing. It also increases the risk of infection.  

Avoid Doing Strenuous Exercises 

You should avoid exercises or activities that require a lot of energy and effort for one month following the procedure. Once you cross the 30 days mark, you can go back to your exercise routine but only gradually. For instance, start with walking and then proceed to do light exercises that engage your lower and upper body respectively.

What You Must Do

The followings are some top dos for your recovery period:

  • It goes without saying that you need to keep a very healthy diet that is rich in vitamin C and protein to boost collagen formation and aid the healing process.
  • You must wear the recommended bra, be it surgical or sports one, for 3-4 weeks to keep your breasts in an optimal position and prevent them from injury.
  • Wear loose, comfortable clothing during your recovery phase to avoid putting unnecessary pressure on your wounds.

Need Help?

If you are interested in knowing more about post-breast augmentation recovery in Dubai, feel free to contact the Al Shunnar patient care team. Our coordinators will readily schedule a personal consultation session for you with one of our Board Certified Plastic Surgeons or Therapists.

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