The Udaan of the youth of Jammu & Kashmir
Long, long ago, someone said that if there's a paradise in this world, it is in Kashmir, it is in Kashmir.
If you've been there, you cannot help but agree with the person who called Kashmir a paradise on earth. If you haven't been there yet, go there – you're sure to build memories for life there.
Often, when we talk about Kashmir, our conversations center around the beauty of the state – what we always seem to forget is the youth of Kashmir and its dreams. Because of the decades of terrorism, the state has lost its charm as a business destination for domestic and foreign business players. However, the change is gradually seeping in the valley.
Innovation and engagement is the key to the prosperity of the state and its youth. And Udaan is the perfect example of how innovation and engagement can make a real difference in the valley. Under this initiative, a top-rated organisation named NSDC – National Skill Development Corporation – has tied up with the best of corporates of India to train and give employment to the educated and aspirational youth of Kashmir. The program has gone tremendously popular among both corporates and the youth of Jammu & Kashmir.
NSDC has set-up a portal whereon it invites the youth with graduate or post-graduate degrees to apply for their favourite training programs. Once the applicant gets through the procedure and is accepted as a trainee, he undergoes a rigorous training program conducted by a corporate. After the youth finishes the training program with success, he is employed either in the company that trained him or in similar organisation in the market.
This initiative has changed lives of hundreds and thousands of youngsters of Jammu & Kashmir.
What is needed the most at this point of time is the introduction of more such programs. Udaan has set a milestone - based on this model, other programs can also be launched. Or, we can develop altogether different programs. We have to understand that the youth of Kashmir has dreams and they want to work really hard. We can help them getting equipped with skills that India would need sooner or later. The government has done commendable job so far – but somehow it needs to speed up its development initiatives so that the youth can get employment opportunities and the corporates can benefit from the enormous pool of talent that J&K's youth are all about.
Innovation and engagement drive youth like anything – we've to design our programs in a way that they can appeal to the youth of Kashmir. And maybe one day we can see our Kashmir again transforming into a heaven that we are so proud of.
The youth of Kashmir is educated and ambitious – they've dreams and they want to prove themselves. Udaan has enabled a lot of youngsters get employment either in the valley or outside in the top cities. For more on Udaan and what made it popular, stay connected and read our published articles.
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