The Major Elements of a Business Report

Posted by Tim Harry
Jun 26, 2020

The content of a business report often depends on the topic of the report and the writing style of the report writer. However, almost every business report follows a general structure of writing. If you are assigned to write a business report, and you don't know how to structure a business report, you can find all the necessary information in this blog.

Here are the major elements of the business report writing that you need to know about:

1. Title page:

This is the part where you need to clearly mention what the report is about as the title of the report. This page should also include your name and the date of the report.

2. Summary:

Ideally, every business report should begin with a summary of the key points of the report. You should try to include the following points:

· A brief description of the main point of the report

· The methods performed to complete the report

· The key findings of the research

· Conclusion and recommendations

You should keep the summary one or two-paragraph long. However, for more complex business reports, you may need to write a full executive summary.

3. Table of contents:

You can leave out this section if the business report is short, and you mention all the major points in the summary. For longer reports, however, you do need to mention the title of each section and give a view at the structure of the report. And avoid mistakes in business report

4. Introduction:

The introduction is the proper first part of the report content. It should contain the following information:

· Background information on the topic

· The purpose of the report

· Its scope 

5. Methods and findings:

If you are conducting original research for the report, you need to mention the methods used in the research in the report. You will need to include how you have gathered analysed the data to come to a conclusion. You also need to explain your findings in this section. Here, you have to present your findings of the research and ensure that you cover all the main points mentioned in summary.

6. Conclusion and recommendations:

The last section of the report should cover the conclusion to your research and findings and recommendations. The conclusion should briefly cover what you have learned from the research. Also, you should recommend potential courses of action based on the inference.

7. References:

Like most of the academic papers, you need to mention the sources of external references used in the research. The sources can be other business documents, journals, news reports etc. 

These were the main elements of the ideal structure of a business report. Follow this structure to develop a business report on your own. Good luck!

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