The latest Info regarding COVID 19 Pandemic for Student Visa Holders
Almost every other day, a new regulation is issued in the best interest of people living in Australia. In a recent conference, the Government of Australia has declared the Corona Virus pandemic as “human bio-security”. As the authorities are issuing new guidelines for people, those applying for Australian visa are also witnessing rapid changes in regulations.
Shedding light on new regulations issued for international students
Australia being an educational hub has always attracted attention of students from abroad. However the pandemic has urged the Government to bring upon changes to visa application instructions and principles. Students hailing from other countries might find it really difficult to stay in compliance with the fast changing norms. Updates are issued at daily intervals and in course of this the Government wants to educate and inform academic pursuers on the newest updates.
Are you hailing from abroad? Do you study in Australia?
Here are some recent developments on rules and regulations pertaining to visas especially meant for immigrants residing in Australia for academic purposes:
Latest updates for visa holders who have come to Australia for pursuing academic courses (including temporary visa holders)
- International Student Visa holders in Australia, especially those residing to the western side of the country are now given the permission to apply for any kind of Governmental support through an initiative referred to as Study Perth Crisis Relief.
- International students residing in Australia will now be given working rights to help them find various job opportunities. The pandemic has cost jobs of several students. The new regulation is aimed at helping them find financial strength.
- International students residing in Victoria can apply for relief fund worth $1100 dollars to cover up their living expenses.
Red Cross is further acquiring funds from the Australian Government to help temporary visa holders meet up expenses related to daily necessities for the forthcoming 6 months.
Additional information for temporary visa holders residing in Australia
- Furthermore all temporary visa holders are allowed to access around $10000 worth of superannuation amount during the current financial year. They will be allowed to use the amount in an attempt to support themselves especially in this pandemic.
- Students from abroad who have been residing in Australian and have also been working at supermarkets will be allowed to work only for 40 hours in a fortnight. A greater number of Australians will be assigned for the jobs.
- International students who have been catering to the medical sector or have been rendering aged or nursing care will have to work for extended hours to support critical sectors
- The Australia Government will act leniently with regards evaluating compliance with visa norms so that international students do not find it very difficult to meet with visa criteria
- If a 457/482 visa holder is subject to offer reduced working hours as instructed by the employer, the former’s action will not be considered offensive with regards to visa norms and conditions.
- A 457/482 visa holder must acquire a job within 60 days of unemployment else his visa will be cancelled by the authorities.
A student holding a visa to Australia will have to be well versed with the recent norms in order to avoid discrepancies.
The Australian Government’s initiative to issue new rules for visa holders is meant to benefit immigrants.