Cellulite is a term used to explain the lumpy appearance of skin caused by fat remains that are just below the surface of the skin. It generally appears on skin in the abdomen, lower hands or legs, and pelvic region, and it usually happens after teenage life. Cellulite is also known as adiposis edematosa, dermopanniculosis deformans, status protrusus cutis, and gynoid lipodystrophy in the healthcare industry and as orange peel syndrome, cottage cheese skin, hail damage, and the bedding trend in colloquial language.
Causes of Cellulite
Hormonal factors
Hormones likely play an huge part in cellulite progression. Many believe estrogen, insulin, noradrenaline, thyroid hormones, and prolactin are part of the cellulite production process.
Certain genes are necessary for cellulite progression. Genes may predispose an individual to particular features associated with cellulite, such as gender, competition, slowly metabolic rate, submission of fat just within the skin, and circulatory insufficiency.
People who eat too much fat, sugars, or sodium and too little roughage content are likely to have larger volumes of cellulite.
Lifestyle factors
Cellulite may be more frequent in those that smoke, those who do not exercise, and those who sit or take a location in one location for prolonged.
Underwear with limited flexible across the butt may promote the creation of cellulite.
Various Treatments of Cellulite
Research has confirmed that anti cellulite creams are only efficient when their substances have the capability to get into the bloodstream to break down the fat cells that cause cellulite. Many of the cosmetic cellulite methods only work on the first or higher coating of epidermis instead of working within the bloodstream. The best cellulite treatment is the cream that contain Retinol A which aids in eliminating cellulite. This is done by improving the bovine collagen generation as well as elastin in the body. Collagen and elastin are necessary to make the skin wider and increase flexibility of ligament. Retinol A, while being effective on its own, is even more efficient when used with natural substances such as plankton draw out, caffeine, and capsicum extract.
Diet Treatment
An anti cellulite diet normally is made up of foods that help in reducing the amount of cellulite in the body. Even though the foods, vary the one thing that they all have in common is that they are healthy foods. Most anti cellulite diets contain fresh fruits and vegetables. Women should always eat a large portion of these types of foods to reduce cellulite. Fruits such as mangos, bananas, blueberries, and cranberries are some of the fruits that should be involved on an anti cellulite diet. Carrots, tomatoes, and bell peppers are just a few of vegetables that should also be involved. You should also consider adding foods such as chicken and white fish to your diet and always include lots of water.
The perfect cellulite treatment exercise should be done at least three times every week and it should involve weightlifting. If you are having problems with cellulite in your feet and butt you should do exercises like leg raises, crunches. You can also go to a gym and use the abdominal devices to focus on these places. The next part of your routine should include 15 minutes on either a cardio exercise device or doing cardiovascular exercise. A good cardio machine would be an exercise bike or a treadmill machine.
A massage to eliminate cellulite is similar to other massages except that it is used to eliminate cellulite. When compared to other massages such as a therapeutic massage, the pressure is concentrated on the areas where cellulite accumulates. The massage breaks up the cellulite that accumulates in these areas pushing the fat tissue to break up and be published into the bloodstream. A cellulite reduction massage is extreme and more complicated. Sometimes a cellulite reduction massage will leave the skin in the areas impacted a little bit bruised due to the concentration of the massage. While the massage is extreme, the results are easier looking skin and you start to be free from that orange peel look.
Laser Treatment
There are a few parallels between the Feature Laser and other therapies. However, most therapies use the illness stations wavelengths to get the best results. The Feature system use both the illness and unipolar stations wavelengths. This implies that two levels of cells are focused instead of just one. The greatest benefits of the “two layer” therapy is that it objectives all the delicate areas of skin while also going further which results in great satisfaction with the overall change. It can be difficult for other therapies to have similar results by using just the illness radio frequency.
Mesotherapy Treatment
One of the popular forms of cellulite surgery is Mesotherapy treatment. This technique is also used to cure various other accidents. It made up of using a needle which injects natural vitamins and various other ingredients deeply into the center coating of your skin. It has become very popular because it can be used in many different methods.
There are four stages of cellulite with each stage more serious than the other. The first stage is no overall look of cellulite on the skin at all but the possibilities of creating cellulite are likely. The second stage is when the cellulite can be seen by grabbing the skin. The third stage is when cellulite can be seen when status up. The fourth and final stage is when cellulite can be seen status, seated, or relaxing down. One of the greatest benefits of Mesotherapy is that it can be used to treat all four stages of cellulite.
NOTE : This article is mainly posted by homelytreatment.