Posted by Sheron M.
Jul 20, 2021

Long gone are the days when the English language had an unrivaled presidency within the cyber realm. Since its inauguration in the 1990s, the internet has been a place that reeks of elitism and gate-keeping. Although, in hindsight, it may seem like the World Wide Web is the great equalizer that enables people from varied backgrounds to flourish, the reality is a far cry from this envisioned unity. For much of its short history, the internet has been manned by the privileged English-speaking niche. But, the tides are drastically shifting, and currently, a mere 25 percent of the world’s internet users are native English speakers. As such, the rise of the vernacular and native languages will be a revolution that will entirely change the face of the virtual realm. One strategy of linguistic inclusion that has taken the world by storm is website localization. If you want to learn more about this pioneering tool, read ahead. 




In a layperson’s terminology, localizing a website means revamping a pre-existing site to suit an audience's socio-cultural and linguistic verbatim different from the initially intended target of the flagship website. Similar to legal translation, localization is also a complex and specialized process that requires experienced professionals and experts. The unprecedented boom of the internet has oiled the global localization industry to sky-rocket and reach novel summits. Currently, 76 percent of netizens prefer to glance through product descriptions that are in their native language. Likewise, 70 percent of internet users prefer to purchase from a website whose customer care communication is undertaken in their vernacular language. In a mind-boggling figure, 40 percent of internet users will not re-purchase anything from a website that is not in their own language. So, we can see through statistics that the probability of conversion manifolds when the linguistic needs of the clientele are considered. As such, intra-national, international, or inter-regional expansion of a business via site location can fetch immense benefits and gains. 

In case you are on the hunt for website localization services, opt for an agency with credibility and experience in your niche. Moreover, always look out for genuine positive reviews, accommodative practices, and transparent policies while searching for localization or legal translation services. The dawn of linguistic inclusivity is here, and it is a movement that your business should be a part of for long-term gains, repute, and esteem.

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