The Effect of Technology in the Classroom on Student Performance

Posted by Anna Clarke
Mar 28, 2022

Technology has become a driving force in many fields and industries and education is no exception to this rule. With the use of technology, students can perform the most difficult tasks as efficiently and easily as ever. Technology has also revolutionised the way students and teachers disseminate knowledge and communicate with each other. Finally, technology has provided students with ample opportunities to be engaged and learn in ways they couldn’t imagine was possible. 

The effective integration of technology and technological advancements into classroom instruction allows students to become more effective and efficient learners and significantly develop their skills and competencies. However, just like any other instrument, the effectiveness of technology in the education domain depends on how well it is adapted to the purposes and needs of students. Technology that does not work properly or as expected is not only useless but can also be harmful when it comes to student performance.

Developing Skills and Competencies

On the most fundamental level, technology contributes to the development of fundamental skills, such as writing, reading, and arithmetic. Students who have routine access to technology can learn these skills much faster because they are engaged by it. This means that children spend more time learning the aforementioned skills and practising them in comparison with those who accomplish the same tasks using a more traditional approach to the learning process. 

What is fascinating about technology is that it can facilitate the development of students' skills and competencies throughout their academic careers and even beyond. With a broad range of computer software applications, for example, students can acquire and develop the technical skills needed for a better understanding of how various computer tools behave and what can be accomplished with their help. Technology is developing at a rapid pace, meaning students have almost unlimited access to new information and hence, new skills and competencies. At the same time, this rapid development can be viewed as a double-edged sword. The point is that the specific software instruments and the logic behind their operation will likely change before today’s students, even at the middle school level, enter the world of work. Hence, the skills they have acquired in the classroom can quickly become obsolete.

Easier Access to Resources 

The internet has dramatically changed the learning process. Today, students can google any information they need and verify its reliability by browsing through multiple sources. There is a myriad of online academic databases that offer millions upon millions of high-quality academic journals, articles, and scholarly books. 

Even 15 years ago, most students had to spend a lot of time searching for relevant materials in the library. Now it can be done in seconds online. Yet, greater access to information and literature sources does not always mean benefits or education quality. Some students may overuse technology, which could produce an adverse impact on the learning process and their academic performance.

One could argue that critical thinking and analysis have declined with the rise of technology, while plagiarism has increased. Indeed, technology may not only add to a student’s academic success but also distract them from learning. Recent research in this area demonstrates that the more students spend time on social media or video games, the less they are successful academically. Additionally, students may not be experienced and skilled enough to properly cite and reference others’ works and ideas, which can also pose a threat to their academic performance and success. To avoid such situations, students can use professional academic writing services that fully eliminate the possibility of plagiarism, while allowing for significantly developing their own academic writing and critical thinking skills. Technology has also provided students with easy access to online learning, which is now considered an equally credible option.

More Effective Communication and Collaboration with Peers

In addition to the aforementioned benefits, technology facilitates cooperation among students and teachers and provides peer tutoring. By using a wide range of technologies and resources, students can communicate and express their ideas more powerfully and clearly. It is now possible to supplement the learning process by connecting and engaging with online student groups in real-time. In turn, tutors and instructors can provide instant access to course materials to students regardless of their physical location by setting up portals. 

Given the recent coronavirus pandemic situation, blended learning, which represents a mixture of face-to-face learning and classroom technology, has evolved into the most suitable way of organising the learning process. To make sure this approach effectively adds to student performance and success, it should be highly collaborative and interactive. For instance, using augmented reality and simulation tools is becoming increasingly popular with educators as they allow for providing students with a better learning experience. These technological advancements animate learning challenges and objects, making students highly engaged in the process of performing classroom tasks.

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