The Book by Bernard Willimann

Posted by Bernard Willimann
Mar 12, 2018

Many of us love to indulge in reading good stories and novels. Reading habit is good and helps broadening our mind; enhancing our understanding power and it helps strengthening our command over a particular language and as such. Reading stories and as such recreational reading materials help a lot and it does good to us. Bernard Willimann is an author who has penned down an interesting book named Franzi: This Is Our Dad, O'Pa. This book is available on Amazon shopping portal at a price that will not be hard to reason with. It is available since June 13, 2010. It is among Amazon’s best seller ranks.

Bernard Willimann has authored this book and readers will find it highly engaging. Some secrets of happiness in life will get revealed, without making the lines sound anything like a boring lecture as the story of this happy and positive man is told with extraordinary humor and simplicity. It is a paperback book with 296 pages.

This retired corporate executive named Franzi Willimann is an army veteran and also enjoys a healthy family life. He is a proud American, who is also a husband to someone and father of four. The book will reveal that he began life in Switzerland in the 1930's and how he grew up and was taught by his parents (he was the child of hard-working hoteliers ) to love life, to cherish his faith and his family, and to give generously of himself every single day. He taught to have admiration for what he already had in life and also work each day to his full potential to feel happy that he did what he needed to do without being lazy and negative-minded.

This man is loved immensely and respected by his family and an array of devoted friends he has got love from too. What success actually is, for this happiest fellow, is a divine equation of both joys and sorrows of everyday living. To him having loads of money; holding important designations in society and at work or as such only materialistic stuff is not happiness. The journey of life where moving ahead and embracing each moment like there is none tomorrow and finding good sides in everything every day is happiness to him. Bernard Williman wrote this book and the lead character named Franzi Williman is the father of the author, whom the author had dedicated this book too and shared his beliefs and his lookout for the life.

As Franzi Willimann and his family will reveal to the readers through this book, it will be realized slowly as the pages keep getting read that the secret to true happiness is not in what we do, where we live, or how much we achieve, nor is it found in physical beauty, but enjoying every moment fully and positively. wealth, or social status. True happiness is created in tender minutia, in the small details of lives lived with devoted attention to relationships, to humble service, and to love.


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