The Attraction That Males Love To Experience

Posted by Kokila S.
Jun 23, 2016

Dr Amend's Pheromone Advantage Reviews In human beings, the primary male pheromone that attracts women is known as Androstenone. However, unlike animals, the human pheromone is only found in the sweat and is not secreted anywhere else. The funny thing that men do before they go and meet women they like, is that they will first take a shower to unwittingly wash away the natural occurring pheromone in the sweat and then use a cologne unintentionally masking away what is left since the human pheromone is thought to be only detectable by an organ called the Vemeronasal Organ or VNO in the nose.

It is for this very reason, scores of laboratories are now producing Androstenone incorporated into masculine fragrances and perfumes, thus enabling the user to apply it to himself at will. Nowadays, you can easily purchase pheromone oil, cologne, perfumes and even pills that are supposed to encourage your body to produce more of its natural pheromones.

Although it is thought that human now secretes too little pheromones to be detected consciously or our detection powers have weakened, many researchers are convinced that our perception of pheromones is still there but on a subconscious level instinctively.

In many experiments, scientists have shown that male human pheromones do trigger off subconscious sexual responses in women. Although natural human pheromones are odorless and are not consciously detectable but because women have a naturally better sense of smell, they can subconsciously pick up male pheromones rather quickly and become instantly sexually attracted to the men emitting the love potion.

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