The Alien Herpes Virus
The Organic Total Body Reboot Review Cold sores, fever blisters, oral herpes are 3 names for the same thing - a blister or sore on the face - normally occurring on the outer edge of your lip or nose."Cold sores" is the most common term used for these hideous, painful and contagious facial sores. Herpes simplex virus type 1 and type 2 are the root cause of cold sores. About 80% of cold sores are caused by type 1. Type 2, although primarily the cause of genital herpes sores, is responsible for about 20% of facial cold sores.Cold sores are "location specific", occurring in roughly the same place each time. The herpes virus is normally latent, or asleep, in the nerve ganglia behind the jaw on the same side of your face as your cold sores occur. Fortunately herpes virus does not travel internally to infect other locations - but stays put in the area where first contracted.
These sores, when in full blossom, look like a hideous explosion on you lip or nose. Fact is - that is pretty close to how they are actually formed.If you're a science fiction fan like me, you'll notice that a lot of these shows are based on the idea of alien creatures using humans to reproduce. The alien creature "infects" the human body with their seed. When the young are ready for birth, the human host is destroyed to release the new alien creatures. The herpes virus replicates in the same way.Cold sores are the result of the reproduction process of the herpes virus. This virus, unlike bacteria, cannot reproduce on it's own but must have a host. A single herpes virus enters one of your cells and forces that cell to create, or clone, copies of itself.The original virus then destroys the host cell to release it's young. This "explosion" of millions of cells in a close area produces the open and painful sore.Cold sores are very painful because the herpes virus has a particular affinity for nerve cells. Herpes virus travels the nerve fibers like a highway to the surface and create the cold sores on the end of those nerves.
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