The 9 Most Popular Types Of Yoga

Posted by Ankit Kharola
May 4, 2020

It can be confusing to see that there are many different yoga classes in a yoga studio's program, especially for beginners. We simply explain the 9 most popular types of yoga.

Yoga is a very comprehensive life philosophy consisting of 8-stage practices. Asanas that is, yoga postures, are just one arm of these 8-stage yoga practices. Today, yoga is often preferred because it suggests body movements and meditation rather than its philosophical approach, while the most popular types of yoga are divided into 9 in terms of how poses are applied and their general approach:


1- Hatha Yoga

In Sanskrit, the term 'Hatha' refers to all the physical postures of yoga. According to the yoga concept in the West, hatha yoga expresses a classic approach to breathing and body exercises. Also suitable for beginners, hatha yoga classes are ideal for those who are learning to pose and the basics of yoga.


2- Ashtanga Yoga

Meaning 'eight-branch / eight-arm path' in Sanskrit, Ashtanga is a type of yoga practice that involves the continuous and regular implementation of some series. Poses stay short periods of time, and often poses that require strength and flexibility are practiced, so Ashtanga practice is ideal for yoga students who are a little more experienced and want to deepen in yoga.


3-  Yin Yoga

Yin yoga, which is a very slow, introverted yoga style, is based on the Far Eastern philosophy. It involves staying in yoga poses, which are usually cited on the floor or lying down, and stretch and relax in poses with breathing. It is especially ideal for those who prefer yoga to deal with stress.


4- Vinyasa Yoga

Being the most 'exercise-like' type of yoga, Vinyasa Yoga became popular by adapting Ashtanga yoga practice in the 1980s. Vinyasa classes usually involve repeating the series of greetings to the sun and, of course, differ in the approach of the instructor.


5-  Iyengar Yoga

Iyengar yoga, founded by BKS Iyengar in the 1930s and started to be taught, is one of the most practiced yoga practices all over the world. Iyengar's book "Light on Yoga" published in 1966, which started yoga studies at a very young age in India, led to the recognition of the philosophy of yoga all over the world and especially in America. In order to gain flexibility and strength in Iyengar yoga practice, which is based on balance and repetition of certain movements, some practices are recommended to be done regularly.


6-  Restorative Yoga

In restorative yoga, which is completely focused on relaxation and relaxation, the body is supported by using equipment such as pillows, blankets, belts, and chairs, and deep relaxation practice and breathing exercises are performed in poses where we can completely release the body.

7- Bikram Yoga

Bikram yoga, also known as hot yoga, is performed in sauna-like high-temperature and humid rooms. Yoga asana, which includes repeating 26 basic movements twice, creates a flow-enhancing, detoxifying, and, of course, abundantly sweaty effect.


8-  Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini yoga is a type of yoga that includes both physical and spiritual exercises. It targets the release of energy, called Kundalini, which is thought to accumulate in the spine and includes rapid movements, breathing exercises, mantras, and meditations.


9- Pregnant Yoga

Pregnant yoga, which is performed to support the body, strengthen and maintain flexibility during pregnancy, also includes pelvic floor exercises and breathing exercises, which can be considered as preparation studies. It is an ideal practice to bond with the baby during pregnancy, to notice the changing body, and to adapt to these changes.

Vishuddhi Yoga is a reputed yoga center offering Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training Dharamsala. Our yoga course in Dharamsala is certified by Yoga Alliance USA and to become a yoga teacher by certified Best Yoga Teacher Training in Dharamshala by Vishuddhi Yoga.

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