Tech Assistance For Wordpress Issues

Posted by William Elliott
Jul 24, 2017
Wordpress is a content editor. Many bloggers use wordpress for content writing and editing. When user enter text in the text editor then in the back end, the text is edited with XHTML.
Here spaces and paragraph change tags are added to the text. For the final text, these tags should be removed and thus user need to disable the tags. Wordpress by default add p tags to the content still if user not find them and if want to add p tags then he can use the below mentioned function in his code.

echo wpautop($my_text)

This function add paragraph tags to any text.  Some times user wants to take the full control over the code and want the p tags If user wants to remove the tags or to disable the tags then he can go through following steps.
  1. Login to the Wordpress account.
  2. From the side menu, go to Appearance. 
  3. On the Appearance page, click on Editor link.
  4. Edit Themes will be loaded on the page.
  5. Scroll down to the theme, functions.php.
  6. Add the code remove_filter().  This code disable the filtering functions from wordpress core coding.
  7. Remove the function wpautop(), from the code to disable the paragraph tags.

These functions are required when user try to develop his own web content ih his own way. As Wordpress is open source, any one can edit , enable or disable few functions. If there is any technical problem then user can contact to the executives for wordpress technical support. This is 24/7 available by the experienced technicians.

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