Tap Portugal Cancellation Policy
Tap Portugal Cancellation Policy
If you have planned to cancel your booked ticket for the Tap Portugal flight so don’t need to worry, here you can easily learn the best way of the cancel tap Portugal flight ticket, just follow the below steps.
- Passengers need to visit the official website of Tap Portugal Airline with help of a web browser.
- Then, tap on the ‘Manage Booking’ section and then, choose the ‘Cancel/Refund’ option from the menu.
- Click on the ‘I want to cancel my ticket’ option and enter the ‘Passenger Last Name’ & ‘Ticket Number’ in the text field.
- Press on the ‘Find My Reservation’ button and select your reservation via a checkbox.
- This time to tap on the ‘Cancel’ button and now you are done!
Moreover, users can easily cancel their booking using the above-presented steps but before starting the flight ticket cancellation process, passengers must read all the Tap Portugal cancellation policies.
How to cancel a Tap Portugal flight ticket with the helpline number?
This is the best feature for immediate cancellation or refund, just visit the official website of the Tap Portugal airline and then go to the support section and connect the travel representative via helpline number. Just provide the booking information and get prompt assistance for cancellation, change, rescheduled, refund, or other.
What is the Tap Portugal cancellation policy for last-minute cancellation?
- Passengers are allowed to cancel their reservation before 24 hours from the scheduled departure of the flight time then the cancellation charges will not be applicable.
- According to the Tap Portugal cancellation policy, the cancellation charges are not fixed and that will only depend on the duration of the flight, distance, fare, date, class, and other important factors.
- The cancellation will only accept by the official website of Tap Portugal as well as with help of the Tap Portugal customer service number.