Writing Help - How to Write a Synopsis for a Novel.

Posted by Joslyn Lar
Jun 25, 2018

Synopsis writing conveys a story’s entire narrative arc, by providing details about characters, plot development and conclusion. Synopsis for a novel entails a clear factual summary of the novels storyline. Authors should know how to write a synopsis because it is what sells their work. Authors should use a synopsis as a guideline map on how to write their novel. Synopsis for a novel should be exiting and make readers understand the story better. Synopsis writing ensures that the character actions and motivations are realistic and make sense. Students highlight important key points that mark how the story develops. It is at the synopsis writing stage that the student is able to show unique greatness in the work written.

Guidelines on Synopsis Writing

Active Voice and Story Uniqueness

Synopsis for a novel should be in active voice, third person and present tense. The novel may be in first person but the effectiveness of the synopsis is achieved in third person, active voice present tense. Students’ should use a clear, to the point and neural language while writing a synopsis. Synopsis writing should reflect originality of the story such as a unique main character. The uniqueness of the subject matter is what will make the readers interested in the novel. Students are encouraged to research widely in order to come up with ideas not written by other authors.

Advancing Story Line

It is essential to identify the key characters and events on how to write a synopsis. This ensures formulation of a plot on how the events will follow and how the characters develop from time to time. Students should begin by concentrating on the protagonist then her conflicts. Secondly, how the protagonist deals with the situation. Then changes that come along both to the protagonist and the story. This also includes the onset of new characters. Synopsis for a novel depicts emotions and feelings of the characters. Students should know how to write a story line that captures the attention of the readers, by linking up events well. Synopsis writing includes formulating events that build tension and lead to a satisfactory end. This brings along a nice exiting flow from the beginning to the conclusion. Students should refrain from mixing up stories in the synopsis so as not to lose readers interest. The story should unfold in an orderly manner.

Clear writing style.

Clarity is vital in synopsis writing. Mastering how to write a good synopsis for a novel is a plus to the student. They should acquire writing skills through vast research and practice. Synopsis writing highlights the clear actions and motivations of the character. Synopsis for a novel should clearly point out plot twists in the story. As the story develops, there are twists that prompt out making it interesting. These twists should be touched in the synopsis. Students should not to be too wordy in the synopsis rather stick to key points. A good synopsis for a novel is one that is written clearly.

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