SWTOR Leveling Guide - Fastest Way to Reach Level 50

Posted by Vi Yan
Nov 13, 2012
Would you like to realize how to reach level 50 in SWTOR at the earliest opportunity? Well, whether or not this post isn't exactly a pace-by-step SWTOR leveling guide, you will surely find swtor credits here a few bits of valuable information that will assist you level much more faster. When you have ended scanning this article, you'll determine what you want to do.

Probably much like yourself, whatever MMO I play, my number 1 goal is usually to hit the exact level cap as soon as possible, and have my character ready for end-game PvP and raiding. As you can imagine, We have exactly the same goal for The exorcist: The existing Republic.

Leveling in SWTOR isn't too difficult, but just as in any MMO, oahu is the same lengthy process. Although Bioware has given a really neat storyline to each and every class, which also provides the buy swtor credits game an incredibly catchy atmosphere, when you get caught by it, it will lead you time to reach level 50.

Ok, so let's see...

It is possible to Fastest Approach to Level Up in SWTOR?

And in addition, it's questing (or completing missions, to place it in SWTOR terms). And SWTOR quests do not have a higher degree of difficulty, normally, featuring a serious distinctive central leveling path. But you will discover always hidden objectives that can please take a considerable time to discover, and shortcuts that could make your leveling process much easier and create for you an increased XP rating. Then a SWTOR leveling guide can be purchased in.

Plus, knowing how you can alternate your questing sessions with warzones and flashpoints sessions, you will probably have the capacity to keep a peaked XP rating. This aspect is additionally covered excellently by a SWTOR leveling guide I am using.

SWTOR Fast Leveling Tips

Knowing questing shortcuts or the exact place of certain quest bosses or objectives isn't enough though, to have a quick progression in Alien: The previous Republic. In addition there are several rules that cheap swtor credits I've learned simply by using a SWTOR leveling guide, that i am going to share here.

1. If you want fast leveling, skip each of the NPC talking in each quest. Pressing "space" allows you to make it happen. Sadly, I wasn't able to find out around the "skip-talking" command only on my second day's SWTOR. Each time I asked about this hanging around chat, the trolls that had been everywhere, set it up only erroneous advice, like: "Press ALT + F4, that'll do!"

2. Enable area loot. Looting a substantial pack of corpses 1 by 1 will considerably slow down your progress.

3. Choose an AoE specialization for leveling.

4. Although most classes have at least one basic healing ability, it is a good idea to have medpacks along with you. Dying once you have cleared a cave filled with mobs, right before you

complete your objective really sucks, and executing it again and again will definitely slow you down.

Now, to level fast in SWTOR isn't that difficult. However in order to achieve that, it's best to understand specifically where to search and where to start, when you join a warzone or possibly a flashpoint, and what quests to finish, particularly in flashpoints.

Article Source: http://www.deansale.com/swtor/swtor-credits.php
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