Swept Path Analysis and Its Applications

Posted by Michael Armit
Apr 20, 2016

Traffic engineers and architects use swept path analysis software to design car parking lots, roads, and other major centers. The blog talks about the use of software in these fields.

Swept path analysis, in simple words, is the process of calculating and analyzing the way a vehicle moves. The basic level involves calculating the path each wheel takes when turning and calculating the space it needs during the turn. The analysis, in early days, was carried out manually, but the process has now become computerized. Swept path analysis is used by experts to provide traffic engineering solutions in Melbourne and many other cities in Australia. Let’s take a look at the areas in which swept path analysis is an indispensable tool.

Applications of Swept Path Analysis

  • Planning

Engineers, planners, and architects use swept path analysis to assess possibilities at various site location. They check whether it will be possible for a particular vehicle to cross a specific corner or enter a space where there is limited room for maneuvering.

  • Airport

The design of airport needs to be in a way that it services most of the aircraft. Swept path analysis helps in measuring the path of driving the aircraft. When the aircraft drives straight, things are easy but the moment it turns, maneuvering becomes difficult. It is imperative to know where the wings of the aircraft would end up, before it takes a turn. A swept path analysis software measures path of the aircraft to help designers make an accurate layout for the airport.

  • New Vehicles

Vehicle designers and developers need different data to see how the new vehicle would perform without spending money and resources on building a prototype. Swept path analysis enables designers and developers to calculate how the vehicle would perform when turning.

  • Car Parking

Swept path analysis help in designing the layout of car parking and ensuring that it has the capacity to hold maximum cars with minimal chances of accidents. The analysis could also be used to design the access and parking layout for aircraft parking or lorry distribution center.

  • Light Rail

Light rail has a fix track and swept path analysis helps in determining the space a train needs to reach the destination safety. The analysis helps engineers in calculating the passing and platform clearance when two light rails pass on a curved section of the track.

  • Last Few Words

Engineers use swept path analysis software with different CAD software to come up with accurate design results. While someone unaware of the importance of the software might think that infrastructure design or swept path analysis for all the facilities would be same, the professionals know that every vehicle, road, or space has different design requirements. Hope this read helps. 

If you wish to learn more on the subject, it is advisable to consult any reputable traffic engineering solutions provider.

Related Links: Traffic system & Safety strategies

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