Steps to Recover Forgot iCloud Password

Posted by Erick Tyler
Jul 28, 2017

If you are getting the issues while sign-in to iCloud account then there will be many reasons like maybe you forgot iCloud password, may be you enter the wrong password then follow these simple steps to regain the access of iCloud account.

Email, password, and security questions

1.       Go to your Apple ID account page and click "Forgot Apple ID or password." Then choose recovery method, it depends on you which method you choose. But you can choose the  Two-Step authentication method

2.       Enter your Apple ID. Did you forget your Apple ID?

3.       Select the option to reset your password, and then choose Continue.

4.       Choose how to reset your password:

·         To answer your security questions, select "Answer security questions" and follow the rest of the steps.

·         To get an email instead, select "Get an email." To reset your password, use the email that we send to your primary or rescue email address. Didn't get the email?

·         If asked for a Recovery Key, use the steps for two-step verification instead.

·         If you choose two-step verification then it will send recovery key to your register phone number device after that you can enter the 4 digit recovery key then you can reset iCloud password.

Still if you got any problem while executing these steps then you can dial-free number of iCloud expert for the help or you can do live chat with iCloud expert.

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