Stay Away From The 'Make Money Online' Niche

Posted by Rob aka Cerberus
Dec 2, 2012
"Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally." (David Frost)

When beginners start out wanting to learn how to make money online, they often think that making money online means they have to be in the "make money online" niche. So they buy tons of reports, success blueprints and "secret" formulas from Internet Marketing "Gurus" and then try to apply the principles to teach others how to make money online.

"There are few secrets of success, but plenty of people making a good living selling them." (Michael Lipsey)

I can't build a house. I am lousy with tools. So why would I start offering myself as an expert on building houses when I KNOW I don't have the skills? Similar, if someone is just starting out in Internet marketing, how could they possibly think they are qualified to teach others how to make money online?

Beginners are confusing learning how to make money online with the niche of selling products to people wanting to learn how to do the same thing. This creates a flood of "clone" newbies all trying to make money by selling the same affiliate products. This niche is incredibly hard for newbies to be successful at and is one of the worst possible choices for their first niche market.

You don't make money by doing what everyone else is doing. So what should you do instead?

One of my friends, a colleague at the Welfare Center that I am still doing Online promotion for was trying to get started in the Internet marketing field with a private label rights product. During our conversations, I found out that health was her passion and that - as a nurse with about 20 years in the health field - she had a ton of medical knowledge.

With the rising age of baby boomers, health is a trillion dollar industry! And she had mistakenly thought her nursing skills were useless online and went into the Internet marketing field…

I helped her realize that the health market had MUCH higher potential for her if she could learn to apply Internet marketing principles to the health field. In less than five years she became one of the top TNI distributors in the country!

So what is YOUR niche?
Start by looking at what your own gifts are. What are you good at? What are you passionate about? What skills do you have that others might need? Exploring your own gifts, hobbies and passions will likely find you your profitable niche. Then you can identify their needs and start developing or finding products to help people in this community.

Here are some ideas of how to turn a skill, hobby or passion into an online business:

 - If you are good at writing, you could be an author, copywriter, blogger or content developer for the web.
 - Amazing with animals? Offer training videos, DVDs, books, ebooks and online training sessions.
 - Love making music? Offer your songs online, teach music students by Skype, license your music to TV shows, movies or web sites.
 - Social butterfly? Create an online community. Make money by advertising, product reviews or membership fees.
 - Best bargain shopper ever? Write an ebook. Provide a "thrifty tip of the day." Become a speaker teaching others your tricks.
 - Fast typer? Offer data entry or transcription services online.
 - Good at marketing? Become a marketing consultant, speaker or trainer. Create books, ebooks, DVDs.

As you can see, there are many possibilities for you. So don't make the mistake so many others make of getting into the "make money" niche. Once you are successful online in your niche, you can still create "how-to" products teaching others how to market in your niche. For example you could have products like "Starting Your Own Health Business Online" or "Turn Your Love Of Pets Into An Amazing Online Business."

You will have the credibility because you are already successful and you will have unique products instead of doing the same thing as everyone else.

So learn to be "uniquely You" instead of joining the "clone" wars.

"You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Don't make money your goal. Instead, pursue the things you love doing and then do them so well that people can't take their eyes off of you." (Maya Angelou)

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Comments (3)
Valentin Mavrodin

Passionate Online marketer

great article indeed

Aug 13, 2014 1 Like Like it
Roosevelt Evans III

Home Business Entrepreneur

Very informative article! Shared on LInkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.

Dec 2, 2012 1 Like Like it
Chuck Bartok

Veteran Entrepreneur now Sharing

Fantastic article Rob,
Several years ago I did a series of videos on How to Create a business and Market about what YOU enjoy most. The niches in many cases can be larger than many think.
Over the years any people have benefited greatly from following through with the suggestions.
The Video Playlist is on YouTube.

Dec 2, 2012 1 Like Like it
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