Starting A Sole Proprietorship in England? Hire an Accountant

Posted by Shams Urrehman
Mar 23, 2018
A Sole Proprietorship is that form of business which is basically an unincorporated, of which a single person is the owner and the same is self-employed. You alone are liable for the taxes and the debts while you enjoy the profits. Most of the sole proprietorships are usually small and are not required to be big. However, there are certain legalities that you must adhere to being a Sole Proprietor. Moreover, in England, to register with the Government, you must register for Self-Assessment followed by filing a tax return per year.

Responsibilities You Have to Bear

•    You’ll have to keep records of the expenses of your business and sales and maintain the Book of Accounts all by yourself.

•    Make sure you file a Self-Assessment Tax Return every year.

•    You’ll have to pay income tax for your profits.

•    If you are earning over eighty-five thousand pounds a year; make sure you register with the VAT.

Having said that, this seriously needs some professional help. To concentrate on the major functioning of your proprietorship business, you need to hire someone who can help you out with the above. Therefore, you need to look for an accountant!

Need An Accountant? Turn To American Direct!

With many tasks to finish, you most certainly should hire an accountant to take care of your financial matters. Misconstruing your funds could lead to absolute ruin of your business due to large amount of expense that you might have to incur. In case you are paying inaccurate sum to the HMRC, you may have to pay more taxes than you usually do! Here’s where an accountant becomes indispensible. An accountant is one who is well trained with the accurate calculations and analysis of your accounts and also is capable of advising you with your business plan prior to the commencement of the business to prevent you from imperfect planning. The Accountant also helps you by checking for discrepancies prior to going ahead with the expenditures by virtue of which he/she saves you from making any major mistakes that might be serious blunder.

In case you need to hire Accountants for a Sole Trader in England, you can consult and contact Accounts Direct.  

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