Start your Christmas preparations now ! Christmas countdown 2012 has begun.

It's barely around two months before Christmas 2012. Most of us have already indulged ourselves in different preparations & planning for the festive season as it takes time; from making wreaths & garlands, Christmas tree decorations, arranging parties to buying Christmas gifts.
During this holiday time, the things that require more attention and planning are Xmas tree decorations and getting gifts for every one. You need to keep into account minute details of budget, theme etc. To ensure that your Christmas tree stands out from every other tree in the neighborhood, here are some amazing ideas you can follow this Christmas:
Color Matters
Theme of any Christmas tree should be the foremost step. First zero down your tree's theme color and accordingly, purchase Christmas ornamentation. Two popular colors people prefer are silver and gold. However, there's no fun in going with regular colors. Experiment with some vibrant hues this season. A combination of red, white and silver does wonders. In fact, shades of white and silver neutralize the brightness of red yet gives an excellent look to the tree. This year, when you head shopping keep these tips handy.
X-mas Ornamentation
Ornamentation for the Xmas tree should be of different size and shapes. Go for large decorative balls and hang them all over the tree keeping quite a distance from each other. You can also use garlands with lights but take care that you don't go over board and make it too jazzy.Most innovative idea for this Christmas 2012 would be to embellish your tree with some homemade decorations. They impart wonderful personalized feel as compared to regular Styrofoam balls or Popsicle sticks. This homemade creations also save a lot of money and help to keep your budget in check.
Christmas Gifts
After your tree is decorated, it's time for a very special part of this festival- Christmas gifts! These gifts wrapped in beautiful wrapping papers, whether handmade or bought from super market, are traditionally placed beneath the tree. You may also choose to place them near your fireplace. On the Christmas morning when your kids wake up, they get to see a delightful surprise of Christmas gifts. You can buy some toys, games or even personalized christmas gifts like a mug, children's books, t-shirts etc. for your little ones.