Some Important Tips for Buying Tungsten Rings
In an age when internet has become a one stop resource center for all kinds of information, there can be hardly any doubt about the fact that tips for buying something as particular as tungsten rings can be found on the internet. Well, to clear the doubts and myths regarding the tungsten rings, here are a few things worth keeping in mind while actually going to buy tungsten rings:

1. Material: Tungsten rings are actually made up of tungsten carbide and not pure tungsten. This is done to reduce the brittleness of tungsten. Tungsten is powdered and mixed with a powder of carbide and later put to immense pressure and heat to give it proper shape and design for a ring. In order to make more profit many manufacturers choose tungsten alloys that are softer than tungsten carbide, besides they do not have the quality of retaining the polish for long periods. One must always find a dealer that provides the original tungsten carbide rings where the two materials are mixed in the ratio of 17:3.
2. Cobalt: Cobalt is used to make a number of alloys and it is also sometimes used in the bonding of tungsten rings. The disadvantage of the use of cobalt is that it does not work well with the skin. It often causes green rashes and irritation. Make sure that the ring does not contain any cobalt at all.
3. Nickel: That’s precisely the material that should be used at the place of cobalt. It does not cause any irritation or allergy. It also does not make tungsten weaker and retains its indestructible strength which is its prime quality over other materials such as gold, silver or platinum.
4. The Size of the Ring: Tungsten is so hard and brittle that it is impossible to resize unlike gold or silver. This makes it very important to buy the tungsten ring that perfectly fits the finger. There are a number of vendors and websites that allow the old tungsten rings to be exchanged for new after some payment if the ring finger size changes.
5. Engraving: Tungsten rings are engraved in two ways. The first method is by he traditional engraving machines or sometimes by hand and the second method is the laser engraving method which is more accurate and sophisticated. Make sure that the engravings are all in order, any defect cannot be sorted out at all.

1. Material: Tungsten rings are actually made up of tungsten carbide and not pure tungsten. This is done to reduce the brittleness of tungsten. Tungsten is powdered and mixed with a powder of carbide and later put to immense pressure and heat to give it proper shape and design for a ring. In order to make more profit many manufacturers choose tungsten alloys that are softer than tungsten carbide, besides they do not have the quality of retaining the polish for long periods. One must always find a dealer that provides the original tungsten carbide rings where the two materials are mixed in the ratio of 17:3.
2. Cobalt: Cobalt is used to make a number of alloys and it is also sometimes used in the bonding of tungsten rings. The disadvantage of the use of cobalt is that it does not work well with the skin. It often causes green rashes and irritation. Make sure that the ring does not contain any cobalt at all.
3. Nickel: That’s precisely the material that should be used at the place of cobalt. It does not cause any irritation or allergy. It also does not make tungsten weaker and retains its indestructible strength which is its prime quality over other materials such as gold, silver or platinum.
4. The Size of the Ring: Tungsten is so hard and brittle that it is impossible to resize unlike gold or silver. This makes it very important to buy the tungsten ring that perfectly fits the finger. There are a number of vendors and websites that allow the old tungsten rings to be exchanged for new after some payment if the ring finger size changes.
5. Engraving: Tungsten rings are engraved in two ways. The first method is by he traditional engraving machines or sometimes by hand and the second method is the laser engraving method which is more accurate and sophisticated. Make sure that the engravings are all in order, any defect cannot be sorted out at all.
