Smart TV or Not

Posted by Shruti Sane
Dec 21, 2017

Practically the first thing we must decide is whether we want a smart TV or not because in these two groups is how televisions are currently divided. At this point everyone will know what it takes to own a Smart TV: surfing the Internet, downloading applications from social networks and video services and audio on demand, content recommendation. That is a world of possibilities that we can only experiment thanks to a device like this.

The decision is more or less clear because if we are going to spend a lot of time watching television. There are many devices manufactured by large companies capable of emulating a Smart TV through an HDMI port, a less elegant solution that can be just as effective if we are going to use YouTube-like services or Internet browsing.

Perfect size and resolution for you

We have decided whether to buy a smart TV or not, so let's continue to the next step: what screen sizes do I want and what resolution should I have? Currently, the models that you will find in stores will be HD Ready or Full HD. Our recommendation and practically that of everyone you talk to, will be to buy a TV with Full HD 1080p for several reasons: the image quality changes a lot because we are comparing a resolution of 1920 × 1080 pixels by one of 1280 × 720, something that will be noticed especially in the channels that support high definition video.

On the other hand, the size will depend on your needs, something that you can feel if you go to a store to buy the television. Generally, a size of 32 inches is fine for a medium room but if we want, we can choose 40 or 42 inches, a change that will be appreciated if we watch television a little apart. In addition, this increase in size will not suppose a very marked increase in the price.

The refresh rate is more important than it seems

We get into something more technical, the frequency of refreshment. Basically, this value shows us the number of images that the television will be able to show every second. Companies use this number as advertising claim because it is not the first time we hear a television have 400 or 600 hertz, but the trick is that they are not real, that is, the refresh rate increases thanks to some software tools something that improves but not as radically as they make us think, the quality of the images.

According to what we just talked about, we should take into account the image processor of the TV because we may have a very high value in the refresh rate but the processor is of poor quality and can’t move the images completely. 

I want to share my experience when I went to the dealer to buy the TV, I was totally confused about what TV should I buy? But when I talked to the TV showroom in Nagpur regarding that they suggested me to buy a smart TV. They will offer you the huge selection of TVs with a number of models with tips and advice.

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