Smart Tips to Optimize Website for Mobile SEO
Mobile is the next big things and if you are not using it for your business growth, you are making a big mistake.
People are more likely to search things on mobile devices compared to desktop. According to a study, 53.7% of users prefer mobile devices while 43% use desktop.
If want to target mobile users start implementing mobile SEO strategies.
Mobile SEO is different from desktop and if you think same SEO strategy that you are following for desktop SEO or local SEO will work for mobile search engine optimization, then you are dead wrong.
Here are three simple mobile search engine optimization techniques that you need to consider.
Mobile landing pages – Mobile lading pages are different than desktop landing pages. Whereas on desktop your CTA can be anywhere on the page – on mobile landing page it should be on the top of the page.
You can keep it simple as Call Us button so if someone searching from local can call you directly through his/her mobile device.
Most importantly when doing keyword research consider Hummingbird update, one of the biggest algorithms of Google. The goal of this algorithm is to provide maximum user experience - as people are using voice searches more for searching products or services on Google.
The key takeaway is instead of targeting couple of keywords or two-word phrases focus on the words that we use in everyday conversation to search on mobiles such as “Where is the next dance event in NY?
Make a list of phrases that people use to find things while speaking on mobiles.
Location, location, location –
Location matters when optimizing for mobile SEO especially when your business is completely focus on local people.
However, local SEO is important but you shouldn’t only depends on it – you should considering the mobiles also.
Analytics and testing – Targeting mobile devices don’t mean that you forget desktop site. To get most of it do the A/B testing and see which version is working fine for you.
Build two different landing pages sometime you can even try different CTA and layouts in order to find out what is working best and which isn’t.
Google analytics comes handy in those cases – as it tells you where you are getting the most visitors from. As a matter of fact, you can check how visitors from mobile are interacting with your landing pages as compared to the desktop users.
You can see what kind of content they are accessing through mobile? So you can generate more content like that.
Final words!
Mobile is going to stay here for long – better you don’t take it lightly. There are lots of things that you should consider while building a new website especially when targeting to the mobile users.
Responsive website can increase your website conversion up to 28% if you build it right.