Small business grants for women - where to find them, and how to apply

Posted by Government Grants
Mar 15, 2024

Access to capital is critical for any business, especially startups and small businesses owned by women. They need money to reach out to new customers, fund new products, and fulfill inventory. While large companies can stay in the markets solely on their profits, new businesses need funding to be resourceful, and get through the first few slow quarters. Add to this, women entrepreneurs face more challenges compared to their male counterparts when it comes to securing funding. This is because many funders consider women to be more averse to taking financial risks, while in many cases, they simply apply for a lower amount of loan.   

To level the playing field for women entrepreneurs, many small business grants for women are offered by government agencies and private entities. Each year, US Small Business Administration (SBA) hosts InnovateHER competition, where it awards cash prize in the form of small business grants for women to the top three winners. The award amount for the first grant is $40,000, the second winner gets $20,000, and the third one gets $10,000. Federal government’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR), and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs, though not specially for women, do provide small business grants for women to foster innovation and entrepreneurship among them, and also socially and economically marginalized groups.   

Every month, WomensNet awards three $10,000 Amber Grants to women-owned businesses, in specific, rotating categories. At the end of the year, one of the monthly grant winners is eligible to receive an additional $25,000 small business grant for women. Each year, three Cartier Women’s Initiative Awards are given to women-owned businesses in nine different regions around the world. The first place winner gets $100,000, second place winner receives $60,000, and third place winner gets $30,000. Every month, HerRise micro grant worth $1,000 is given by Yva Jourdan Foundation, to one woman business owner of color.   

Grants by women’s business centers (WBCs)   

The goal of the High Five Grant for Moms is to create an opportunity for women business owners who are caregivers. Eight small businesses are selected, and the top three winners, which are selected on the basis of public vote, are given small business grants for women worth $10,000, $5,000, and $2,500, respectively. Comcast Rise Grant, worth $5,000 is given to 100 businesses in five cities each year. Additionally, winners also receive business consulting services, mentoring, educational resources, and guidance for technology makeover. SBA runs 136 women’s business centers (WBCs) nationally to help women entrepreneurs learn how to manage their business, and find more funds.     

Know about other available grants   

To avail of these opportunities, you need to write an application, and describe why you need that specific small business grant for women, and how you will use the money. You need to submit a detailed business plan, and also provide all the documentation in an organized, orderly manner. If you think that all this could be overwhelming to you, then you can take the help of, who will not only provide you with professional grant writing service, but also updated information on all currently available small business grants for women. By paying a small monthly fee of just $29.95, you can also gain access to other grant opportunities, such as education grants, minority grants, childcare grants, personal grants, and more. This monthly fee is refundable in case your grant application is rejected.   

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