Signs of Pregnancy: Pregnancy Health Related Issues And Causes

Posted by Ashok Virath
Oct 10, 2012
The signs of pregnancy have different symptoms so many women have varying of these symptoms even one women experience symptom in first time is changed in the next time. The detection of the early pregnancy is very crucial because you start take care of your would be child and also yours. So it is very essential for the women to know and aware about the signs of pregnancy.

When a woman conceives she becomes very impatient and try to know about the signs of pregnancy. It is the very joyful moment for any women who know about her pregnancy. In the today’s advance time it is very easy to know that if the woman is pregnant or not. So you can easily know this by using many pregnancy kits available in the market. But there are many other signs of pregnancy which confirm your pregnancy. These symptoms are also important to know because if you aware about these then you don’t get tension if it happens with you. Here are some common signs of pregnancy.

  • Missed periods: -

This is the one of the common signs of pregnancy seen in the women. This can also happens for some more reasons like illness, weight loss, and stress so you have to wait for a week then test it. There are many pregnancy kits are available to confirm the pregnancy.

  • Breast become soft and sensitive

It is the other signs of pregnancy. You are noticed that during this your breast becomes soft and also sensitive. This is symptom of the pregnancy found in many women. This is happens due to the hormonal changes in the body. This signs you seen after the two weeks of the pregnancy also known early pregnancy.

  • Nausea

The most common signs of pregnancy are nausea. This can happens to maximum women who are conceived. This is regard as the classic symptoms in which you feel like vomiting in throughout the day in morning, noon, evening and also at night. This is happens due to the increased level of estrogen in your body. In this you feel nausea. You are heightened sensitive towards certain smell or odors.

  • Tiredness

This signs of pregnancy is seen often in women. Many women feel very exhausted throughout the day. They feel tired even in small work this happens because of your pregnancy. The cause of it is the increased level of hormones in your body and your body adjusts itself in this new circumstances.

  • Frequent urination

Are you visiting your bathroom very frequently? So don’t get panic it is one of the signs of pregnancy. This is often happens to many women at the six weeks of pregnancy. The reason behind it is that the uterus is expands and it applies pressure on the urinary bladder which makes you frequent urination.

  • Uncommon signs of pregnancy

Pregnancy is the happier moment of the women but it is also challenging for them. As you know the signs of pregnancy you are not get tensed but during the pregnancy body undergoes many changes. There are many symptoms which we handle it regular but in some time it is the signs of pregnancy. So there are many uncommon symptoms of the pregnancy which is discussed below.

  • Bleeding

In many women they can’t missed their periods then also they get pregnant. This is also called implantation bleeding. In this egg is attached to the uterus wall due to which bleeding happens. This is also not similar to the normal ones if you see it is in pink to brown in color. It is usually occurs in early pregnancy times.

  • Constipation

This will happens often when you drink less water. But in many women this is due to pregnancy. This is the signs of pregnancy which is uncommon. The reason for this is increased progesterone due to that food passes slowly through intestine and constipation is happen.

  • Pimples or acne

You are surprise to hear that pimples are the signs of pregnancy. But it is happens in some of the women. There are the hormonal changes occurs in the body due to pregnancy and this results in the pimples which goes as soon as the hormones are become stable.

  • Poor appetite

In many women it is noticed that they have the less appetite than normal. It is the other signs of pregnancy. The body is starving which is good for mother and baby. But this continues long time is harmful so you have to be careful.

All the women are must be aware about these common and uncommon signs of pregnancy. This may be very helpful to you to start the further planning and also take care to yourself more. These signs of pregnancy are brought many happier moments in your life. offers special sections to provide valuable information on early pregnancy symptoms and useful methods to enjoy your pregnancy period and the ways in which you welcome your new world of motherhood.
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