Should you hire a professional construction lawyer?

Posted by James J Corbett
Dec 29, 2021

If you are involved in any step of a private, public, or federal construction project, you can benefit from hiring a professional construction lawyer. A construction attorney will protect you from any legal conflict and keep you in check with your timelines, budgets, and following imposed codes. An attorney will also ensure your worksite runs safely, effectively, and efficiently. 

A construction litigation lawyer will also have a keen legal eye and will always be actively involved throughout your construction project to help you avoid any litigation, arbitration, and any other sort of legal conflict. Moreover, a construction attorney will have an expert, intimate understanding of construction law and process. They will better understand all tasks, stages, machinery, and other critical details involved in a construction site. A construction lawyer can help contractors in the following areas:

Drafting & negotiating construction contracts

When an owner, or a company, retains a contracting service, they will enter into a binding contract with the contractor. A construction attorney will also ensure the contract is legally grounded and sound in reasonable expectations. They will also account for insurance, scheduling delays, job site conditions, and unforeseen circumstances. An attorney will also provide revisions to any existing contracts if required.

Submitting construction claims 

A construction dispute attorney in NYC can help you submit a claim for compensation or added time and represent you in case of any dispute resolution or negotiation. A lawyer will also submit all claims for unforeseen circumstances like defects in designs, unpredictable job site conditions, disruptions, delays, or any interference in the process.

Protecting payments

A construction attorney will make sure that the contractor receives full payment as promised, covering various costs, including equipment, labor, and materials. An attorney will also ensure that all cost incurred is covered in their contract's terms. They are well-equipped to take any civil action to recover any unpaid amount and file mechanics claims and liens against a payment bond on both private and public projects. They will also be helpful to defend those who have had a claim for payment made by a contractor against them. 

Lawyers can also help you regarding contract termination!

A lawyer will help you review your current contracts and determine a justifiable termination if required. They will follow a proper procedure and ensure a successful termination of your contract. A construction attorney will represent your case in any legislation or arbitration. They will help you prevent wrongful terminations and defend claimants or wrongful termination. A good lawyer will represent and protect your claim and actively work to avoid any further conflicts from arising, which can help you save time, money, and stress. Since lawyers have years of training and experience, they will better anticipate any possible disagreements or disputes and adjust accordingly to prevent those issues from becoming actual legal action. By relying on their intimate knowledge of construction law and years of expertise to help you avoid any conflict and resolve all the problems before they influence the project, you can position yourself better towards achieving your goals. 

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