SFI Team Leader! Sets Up Trusted Traffic Exchange

Posted by jonathan gagne
Dec 12, 2016


Start generating a real income on line in 2016.

SFI GOLD Team Leader shares how she earns a full time income at her own Traffic Exchange.

No need to request commissions. 

I pay on the 15th of each month.

Sign up Free Today. 


One!   Make sure to verify sign up email you will receive.

Two!   Free Step by Step Guide to set up your network.

Unique Admin Watch with a Daily Planner. In to win Weekly.

Check out the O.T.O Yearly  upgrade when you first log in. Huge Discount.

I Want You To Partner With Me & The Rest Of Our SFI Team.

And Help Build Our DWSearner Network.

It is very rare to be given the opportunity to be in an Early Bird Launch.

Members that helped promote the early bird launch for SFI Traffic Wave and GDI.

Earn Thousands of dollars Monthly.

NOW it is your turn to benefit and LOCK IN YOUR SPOT FREE.

THE GOAL. Team Building for SFI or Any Core business you wish to expand.
One link will Generate Numerous Income Resources.

I decided to Set Up Our Own Traffic Exchange in 2015.
Listing My Sales Funnel for Proven Results.

I got sick of all the false hype and promises on line.

So I launched my own traffic exchange.

WHERE all members will be rewarded for participation.

Random Cash Credits and Random Referrals.

Giving us our Down line Builder at the one location to share with all our SFI team.

My story is this …Nothing to something within 2 years.

Success did not happen over night.

If you have ever wanted to create a successful online business, you’ve come to the right place.

It takes experience – which can take you years to develop… or… which can be provided to you FREE.

The real test is not about earning in the first few months.
It should be about setting up your network and setting goals to start growing that nest egg. 

Surfing and Participating Daily. Then use those credits for promoting One - Three Core Businesses.

You could spend thousands of dollars else where, believing all the hype. 

Or follow My Dollar Wise System Earner Plan I will provide to you FREE.

I have done all the donkey work for us.  Just follow my plan, promoting building and earning.

I use McAfee Web Security. 

McAfee test the sites I surf and blocks content that comes from potentially dangerous or suspicious sites.

Help Launch Our New DWSearner Website.

  Daily Planner to follow.

  Core Programs to generate earnings.

  Down line Team Builder. Just enter Id's.

  Register free for daily training emails.

  Random Spot Prizes.

  DWSEarner Club at Facebook.

  Kiwi Club for upgraded Members. 

Random Mystery boxes arriving in the post.


Now That You're Here, Let's Get You Paid!

1) Promote Your DWSearner Offers!

2) Show Others How To Do The Same!

3) Keep it Simple! Keep it Profitable!

The key is to use your commissions signing up with Our Down Line Programs.  Grabbing the One Time Offers.

YES DWSEarner was built by the members for the members.  

After finishing at SFI for the day.

Make sure to log in daily. Do a little surfing and check all messages. 

Then go and promote SFI and DWSearner at the Down line builder sites. 

Do not try and attempt it all in the one day. 

Take One Step At A Time. 

START...   Log into http://www.dwsearner.com/?rid=2442 Click above Affiliates.

    Click Above the link AFFILIATE TOOL BOX. 

    Here you will find the links for promoting.

    Commissions earned, Referrals and Down line builder link. 

Step 2... Start filling in the down line builder with your affiliate Id's.

If new? Start with baby steps that will generate into giant leaps. 

Try and join as many as you can.

Go and add your promotional banner and splash links for promoting SFI and DWSearner. 

This is how you generate numerous income resources with the one link. 

Step 3... Click above Accounts. Click messages and reply daily.

Step 4... Click above Ads for all you promoting requirements.

Here is where you can purchase credits. Keep an eye out for when admin randomly activates the Surf and Credit Booster.  Giving X 2. X3 and X5 credits purchased. 
Daily Check Emails for codes for Rewards at Face Book and DWSEarner.

Step 5...  Surf Daily to earn advertising credits. Watch for when admin activates the double credit surf bonus.

Ready, Set, GO!

   Start with joining a surf team. In to win weekly. Click above Surf then Team Surfing.

Request   to join. OR upgrade and set up your own team. Great way to support your down line.

Before logging out, Click above Surf then click Enter Surf Code.  PROMO Codes.

Surf 50,   Surf 100,  Surf 500.  A Nice Wee Bonus From Admin for joining.

The key is I started to use my commissions signing up with new launches grabbing life time upgrade.

Team support is the key to a successful online business.

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