Posted by Pooja R.
Aug 27, 2019

Whether it’s a diamond ring or gemstone necklace, jewellery photography is challenging, but there are our secret techniques you can copy today!  Jewellery Product Photography Shoot begins with its own different set of Challenges. Products are small, reflective, and can be challenging to shooting. So here are the ten most Creative Jewellery Photography Challenges that most jewellery photographers experience.  

Creative Jewellery Photography

Creative Jewellery Photography

Jewellery Photography

The Lighting, Equipment & Jewellery Photography Techniques 

Rings, necklaces, earrings & bangles all present a unique set of difficulties when it comes to photographing them. Smooth, shiny surfaces cause disorder reflections, their size and the high magnification required means it’s incredibly challenging to achieve enough depth of field.


Planning and preparation

Before you select your lens, light or props,1st you have to decide on what background you are going to shoot. The background is an essential part of the shot, and it’s necessary to get the right one.

You want something that will improve your product, but not overwhelm it, so styling your images, you have to think about colour, textures and shapes. 


Jewellery Photography Equipment

Here are some jewellery equipment you need to know.

  1. DSLR Camera 
  2. Macro lens 85 – 100mm range 
  3. Sturdy tripod 
  4. Light tent 
  5. Tethered shooting or mirror lockup
  6. Three light kit with softbox 
  7. Small mirrors, approximately 3-4″square work very nicely when shooting small graphics. You are able to get a fantastic selection.
  8. Use “A” Clamps
  9. White acrylic tile


Jewellery Photography Studio Setup

Now that you have it’s time to set up your studio. This prep All is rewarding, and it’ll help you show off and ensure your images are of high quality.

  • Start with picking out a sturdy table that’s approximately 4′ high. Folding tables function for this function, and the very best part is that they can be readily stored.
  • Use a white table cloth to pay for the dining table and generate a background.
  • Put the tent on the desk and also position your lights softboxes around the tent. One light ought to be placed above the light tent, use a boom to shine a light down into the crate.
  • Position the other two lights on either left and right faces of your tent. The lighting needs to glow across round the tent.
  • You have created the setup for shooting amazing images of your own jewelry.


Jewellery Lighting 

You can find a few things to consider when setting up your lighting. The first point is that however, you choose to lighting your studio make certain that all the lights match. If lighting is used by you, be confident that each lighting is the color. using distinct colors of lights, you are able to alter the appearance of your jewelry. 

Stick throughout the Whole studio using LED or Fluorescent. The point is to expose your photos for the jewelry, not the background. The white background will fool your camera, and the jewelry can look underexposed in your own shots. The background is bright white, and it will naturally over-expose. 

You would like this to happen that you achieve such. The only real danger is that the overexposure can turn out to be extreme and this may, in actuality, ruin your own photos. Finding the exposure correct is an essential step in taking photographs that are great. Make sure you spend some time and attentively photograph your services and products. It’s whenever your graphics turn out, a step you won’t repent.


Final Words 

Photography may appear daunting – reflections may make it tricky to find a shot and that the services and merchandise are small – however by recalling the methods you will find a way to receive some outcomes.

  1. Consider props and your background
  2. Clean Jewellery before shoot 
  3. Use tripod 
  4. Experiment with lighting 
  5. Minimized Reflection
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