Secret Of Success Is Focus And Perseverance
Vibrational Manifestation Often, human beings feel the excruciating need to unburden their minds as a result of being weighed down by secrets, to share their secrets with a close friend. But herein lies the problem. Who is to occupy the place of a close friend? Research has showed that mothers are the best secret-keepers. Mothers have a natural love and compassion for their children that prompts them to keep their kids' secrets absolutely safe. But apart from mothers, it seems that there's no one else you can trust with your secrets. Friends almost always let the cat out of the bag to have a good laugh behind your back. If you tell a friend that something's top secret and to be kept hush-hush, the friend will immediately spill the beans to another friend saying that it is top secret and should be kept hush-hush. In the end, you'll find everybody's discussing you and your secret in a hush-hush manner.
Partners tend to misuse secrets when they're having a fight. Whatever you've told your partner when both of you have been very close will be misused and made public, the moment you squabble. Siblings may also laugh at your expense if they are privy to your secrets and know that you have something to conceal. Your weak points offer great opportunities to siblings who consider themselves to be your rivals and who compete with you to acquire family wealth. Fathers of the old school, who are egotistic, ambitious and proud, do not make good keepers of confidences because they are simply unapproachable. But of course, there are exceptions to everything. There are buddies who'd die to rescue and preserve their friends' secrets. There are partners who'd willingly play the cloak-and-dagger game to cover up for the clandestine moves of their partners.