Scrap Price in India

Posted by Ravi Dutt Sharma
Jan 30, 2019
In due course of business dynamics, you may feel need to re-validate the cost of your parts to assess if you are paying right for your kind of volumes or to identify cost reduction potentials. We can calculate the should be cost of the part , provide you with enough data back for negotiation with existing supplier , if required participate in the negotiation process or help you source the part at a lower overall cost to you. We intend to keep this confidential with you and execute the saving with diligence without affecting normal working or creating hype. With purchasing experts on our board, we can help you audit your complete Supply Chain, for compliance as well as adequacy of systems. Not only highlight the discrepancies, but to recommend workable & sustainable results.

PPV is a tool to analyze the variance between settled and actual paid price. You settle a price, but is your supplier getting paid at the same price and not more. Also due to business urgencies, you have to accept price increases in hurry. A monthly PPV analysis may help you, identify the error of prices approved viz-a-viz in ERP system, monitor variance w.r.t budgeted figures and initiate corrective actions to bring the Savings to the track again. As the approver, may not have the time to get involved in ERP entries & daily shores, this report will help identify & correct unintentional or intentional mistakes.

Scrap, a by –product of manufacturing process, is typically not very well managed. Depending on the process, upto 20-30 % of input is unused and considered waste. This is true for numerous manufacturing industries, from automotive, white goods and electronics to heavy industries. While manufacturers focus on minimizing waste, they often fail to capture the value of material scrap in the part price. In terms of increasing profitability, it is a low hanging fruit, if you handle it well, you can really make money out of waste. How can we help you manage this Challenge • Work with you to drive data backed systems for better money realization • Effective resolution of future price variations • Develop system for timely lifting , avoiding pile up at your premises • Ensure transparency & compliance

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