Revolving Showcase – What makes it Different from Fixed Position Display Cabinets?

Posted by Planet Display
Oct 1, 2021

If you have retail shop, and you want your products to get displayed widely then using a revolving showcase would be the best option. There are different types of showcases that are designed for countertop displays and are even used for floor displays. To meet the demands of the customers the revolving showcases are made available in a wide variety of shapes, styles, and sizes. These variants make it perfect to be used for different businesses starting from retail, restaurants, food shops, bookstores, hospitality establishments and many others.

Choosing the revolving showcase depends on the kind of merchandise that you want to display and the one you want to consider displaying the fixtures. For small and lightweight items, you would need small display racks and vice versa. However, people mostly stay confused between fixed position display cabinets and rotating display cabinets as both can be utilized for the same purpose. Let us study the difference between the duos.

Fixed Position Display Cabinets

Fixed position display cabinets are designed in such a manner that they can hold all the merchandise on all sides making it convenient to store the items properly. By choosing such a cabinet, you can easily display items properly. The fixed position floor cabinet is manufactured in such a manner that it can hold plastic containers and can even hang items on pegs. These are designed with sturdy shelves and are quite good to display heavier and larger items.

Rotating Display Showcases

Like fixed position racks, you can opt for rotating display showcases that are designed to be used for both countertop displays and floor displays. As the name suggests these are perfect to store both small and lightweight items and even large and heavier products. The spinning display cabinets are best situated to be installed in open spaces as this can make the merchandise get the attraction of the customers easily. Besides, the customers can easily rotate the items to see each side and make the product easily visible.

The Bottom Line

Therefore, as you have understood the difference between a fixed display cabinet and a revolving display showcase, it is up to you which one you want to pick. But, to purchase the revolving showcase, you can visit Planet Display, which is one of the widely known companies that offer the showcases at affordable rates. All you need to do is to visit the website and pick the best model of your choice. 

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