Recover A Disabled Facebook Account

Posted by Maria Hayden
Feb 10, 2022

Facebook has become a crucial part of our lives. It seems so terrible when you think of losing access to Facebook. But what if you wake up one day and find that your Facebook has been disabled. It sounds too scary but can be a reality too. Facebook can disable your account for several reasons, such as posting content that disobeys the Facebook terms, impersonating someone, and so on. If you are someone whose account has been disabled for some reason, don't worry, as we're here to help you come out of this situation. Here, in this guide, we'll take you through all the steps required to Recover a Disabled Facebook Account.


Steps to Recover a Disabled Facebook Account


Here are the steps you need to follow for Facebook Account Recovery:


Step 1: Login to your Facebook account with the correct username and password. If you find a message that says "Account disabled," your account is being blocked by Facebook, which clearly means you can send in an appeal.


Step 2: Go to Facebook's official investigation form. If you think your account was disabled in error, use this form to request that Facebook further investigate the issue.


Step 3: Enter the email address or phone number associated with the account deactivated by Facebook. Ensure that you have access to the entered email address or phone number so that Facebook can use it to communicate with you.


Step 4: Enter your name into the "Your full name" field. Make sure you type the name you use on your Facebook account.


Step 5: Upload a picture of your ID. This can be your passport or driver's license, or a learner's permit. If there is any additional information you want to add, put it in the Additional Information section.


Step 6: Lastly, click on the Send button and wait for Facebook to follow up.


That's all about how you can recover your disabled Facebook account without much effort. Hope the above mentioned steps help you in recovering your Facebook account.

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