Reasons Why Your Band Is Not Making Anything Happen

A big portion of bands start out as passion projects and hobbies. In most cases, bands that haven’t achieved success and still have the will to go forward are the ones that have young members. Members get along well and everything seems OK, but as more time goes by and there is no progress, it tends to get worse.
Usually, after a band releases their first album, no matter if it’s on their own or with some smaller label, and after they’ve had a good amount of gigs, they start to realize that they are going nowhere. In music, it’s essential that there is constant progress, no matter how small it might seem.
If this is the case, than it means that you are making mistakes that are keeping you from going forward. Here are some things you need to pay attention to if you want your band to be better.
No motivation
As I said before, a lot of the bands get formed when their members are young and passionate about music. They don’t want anything else, just to play, and they will face all the challenges they come across with ease.
Everything seems new and exciting, and even if something bad happens, people are motivated to keep on going. Still, after time has passed, people might start something new in their lives and get even more responsibilities. They cannot be focused on the band and suddenly, they stop thinking about music.
A band needs to constantly work on their performance and music in order to be successful. Make sure that you all get the motivation you need, no matter if we are talking about money, success, or amazing music.
Not delivering a good performance on stage
There are many bands out there that think they only have to perform technically well when they get on stage. Although it’s important to sound good live, it is equally important to have a real performance. Remember that this is a form of entertainment and you need to show the audience that you “feel” the music.
In many situations, your on stage performance can fire up the crowd and make them have a better time than they would if you were static and simply just playing your music. Create a night to remember, create your style onstage and play passionately.
Move around while on the stage, talk to the crowd, do moves that you practiced earlier and look to engage your crowd while performing.
If you really don’t know what to do, then it’s probably a good idea to organize a band meeting by getting cheap concert tickets and going to see an artist you all look up to. Look what that artist does while on stage and how their performance affects the crowd.
Not communicating properly
No band can function if the members within it have no communication, both musical and verbal communication. With good communication, you will sound, look, and feel better. All of these things are important for a band to be convincing.
When everyone in a band is on the same page, you will execute your goals more easily no matter if we’re talking about music or business. Don’t leave things unsaid and avoid talking about sensitive subjects. If a member is slacking off, all of you need to point this out and make that person correct their mistakes.
Big egos and hard feelings are something you need to rule out and put the wellbeing of your band up front.
Being unprofessional
A lot of people think that what happens on stage is also what happens backstage. If a band thrashes something on stage, it doesn’t mean that they don’t care and that they are completely unprofessional when the lights go off.
Bands that communicate and act respectfully towards managers, fans, promoters, peers and technicians on the venue are the ones that succeed. The music industry today is very developed and you need to impress those people in order to get chances to advance.
It starts with simple things such as getting on stage and off from it quickly. Making sure that you arrive on time and that your respect your coworkers is very important. If you don’t respect the organization, you will get less chances to play and, if you get this kind of reputation, getting out of it could be difficult.
Don't set high expectations for your band but always dream big and look at the positive side of things at all times. Even if you don’t achieve the success you wanted with your band, you will get a lot of memories and great experiences that you will gladly remember for the rest of yourlife.