Rain Rain Go Away. Pool Stays Clean Come What May

Posted by Ronny Anderson
Nov 26, 2015
Everyone has a lot to say about the serene beauty of rains, the sweet scent which arises from the drenched soil but every pool owner would agree that a season of rain leaves them with lots of cleaning-up to do. Undoubtedly, it is difficult to clean the pool after a heavy rain but you can always be well-prepared for it by taking some precautions. 

Pool in Rainy Season

One should use a pool cover as it always offers protection from falling debris and comes as a savior in the rainy season. There are many benefits of using a pool cover and one of them is that you tend to save  pool water from evaporation. After heavy rains, a pool cover should be thoroughly cleaned with vinyl protector. It is always necessary to go for durable pool covers as they are constantly exposed to UV rays and other contaminants. 

A session of heavy rain will definitely add lots of chemicals in your pool such as phosphates and nitrates. This would make your water hard and unfit for swimming; hence it is necessary to balance the pH scale of your water all over again after heavy rains. It is also necessary to get rid of phosphates as these chemicals encourage the growth of algae – the water should be immediately treated with chlorine for this purpose. It is also necessary to keep your pool filters in check prior to monsoons. 

If you’re using cartridge pool filters, you should consider backwashing them on a fortnightly basis – sometimes you even need to immerse them in a non-foaming solution and scrub them lightly with a brush. Rains come along with a variety of impurities such as dust particles, plant debris and microbes, and this tends to put more pressure on the filter. In such cases, you can go for acid washing. This can be done by soaking your cartridge in a solution comprising of 20 parts of water and one part of muriatric acid – this needs to be carried out precisely and should only be done once the cartridge has been cleaned with a degreaser.

Going for timely cartridge replacement is advisable and it is ideal to replace your cartridge after every year. In case of replacement, one can choose Summerscapes cartridges as they provide effective hygiene and will help you combat the dirt and dust left by rains. Replacement cartridges are available in many stores and nowadays one can even purchase them with a click on various online stores. 

To protect your pool from seasonal damage of rains, you can also buy pool filter products such as ozonators that filter the water and accentuate your experience of swimming in the clear waters of your pool.
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