Quickly Repairing Your Home For The Wedding in 3 Easy Steps
Having the wedding at your own home can be a wonderful idea, however you will need to have your home ready for an abundance of guests. With these simple ideas and quick home fixes you will be happy you did not go to another venue or order the San Antonio party bus rental.
Have a look around your home and find any blemishes or problems you will need to address before the reception and events. Are there any loose floorboards or wobbly railings? Grab a hammer and some nails while on your home inspection and tackle any trim or nail problems on the spot.
Do you need to paint a room or two for the wedding theme? Gather up the family and get some drop cloth. Painting can be quite simple but may take a bit of time, better to get it done and onto bigger things by having some helpers with you. Tell your friends to jump on a cheap party bus rental Dallas offers and come join in the fun of décor.
Has the carpet been vacuumed, or do you need to steam vacuum? Conventional methods for tidying up the carpets are fine, but to have a beautiful and as good as new look you should see about renting a commercial steamer. A carpet steamer can bring new life to an old rug and have guests wondering how you could afford a whole new floor for the wedding.
You will save big by having the wedding at your home. With the extra cash you saved by doing it yourself you could treat all of your helpers with a ride on one of the Dallas party bus. Call us today at (888) 748-4929
Source: https://cheaplimorentalblog.wordpress.com/2017/09/22/3-humble-home-wedding-ideas-you-will-love/