Quick Tips to Speed Up Your Kentico Website

Posted by Steve Tedson
May 14, 2019

In today’s fast-paced digital world, online users expect to get information about any service, product or business within seconds. Website performance is becoming more important than ever. End users don’t want to wait for web pages to load or they might end up browsing another website to find the information they need. Considering this, Google has included the page-load speed into its quality score within the results algorithm. Kentico holds an immense potential to create high-performance websites and optimize customer experience.

To attain a great site performance, Kentico developers ensure that the website has been set up according to best practices. Making proper use of the functionalities present in Kentico CMS helps in optimizing the site performance. Here are some of the effective ways to enhance the speed of the Kentico website-

· Caching Functionality

Kentico supports 3 different ways i.e. site level, page level & control level caching. For site level, a good ‘default’ setting should be used to cache all content properly depending on the content update frequency. For page level, developers can cache the content of a specific page & control caching is used to cache specific resource-intensive controls for a lesser impact on site.


· Delayed Loading

Kentico enables developers to delay the loading of certain controls as caching of dynamic data is not possible due to changing variables like dynamic menu or submenu items. This feature of delayed loading helps in loading rest of the site quickly & then the resource-intensive control later, without making users wait for the content.


· Efficient Coding

Another factor that makes the website faster is clean & efficient coding by avoiding an endless loop/improper resource allocation. MS .NET development process comes with re-use functionality, connections pooling, garbage collection, etc. that improves the usage of queries. Limiting queries like “SELECT” & using stored procedures/functions can be helpful.


· Great Design

Having a well-planned design & functionality of the site is a must, since overloading the site with too much functionality can hamper the performance. Ensure that your website is planned logically & no page contains many data-intensive functions that may lead to performance issues.


· Website Hosting

It is advisable that you choose a quality & dedicated hosting service that offers enough space and memory. Avoid vendors with shared resources that have a lot of sites to host at lower price, as it will give lesser space for the Kentico website.


Ensure that you keep all these factors in mind to speed up your website and boost your business growth. With the functionalities present in Kentico CMS like caching, delayed loading, etc. it is no longer a difficult task to build a fast website. One question that may cross your mind before building a website using Kentico CMS is how much does a CMS cost? Consult with the Kentico certified experts to know the closest development cost & speed up your website using its best functionalities. 

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