Pros and Cons of PHP

Posted by Global Employees
May 23, 2017
Like all programming languages, there will include a variety of cons and pros to PHP (the Hypertext Preprocessor) scripting language which is going to affect how appropriate it is for a variety of applications. When you hire PHP developer in India, they will tell you the PHP benefits include that it is an open-source, free programming language, fairly simple to learn and very flexible. In addition, PHP will support an array of database types, making it an excellent option for applications which have to communicate with databases. PHP cons include that it is ineffective at generating desktop applications, pretty slow as compared with some additional languages and possesses poor support for dealing with errors.

Pros: Open Source

There will include many cons and pros, as there are with most programming languages. One main advantage is that it’s open source. It means that it is free to use and constantly is being improved by a massive amount of individuals instead of one company. The developers behind the scripting language have developed an extensive Internet resource of all of the language’s functions, which include examples of how you can use them, which will make it simpler to learn PHP than to study the alternatives. The scripting language is such a trendy programming language that there additionally are a variety of Internet support groups to assist in speeding up the process of learning.

Pros: Flexible Programming Language

An additional advantage of the language is that it is a flexible programming language. In 2011, a ton of programming languages were made to be object-oriented; a convention in programming which assists in organizing information more effectively. Programmers oftentimes debate when object-oriented programming is needed. PHP will support object-oriented programming yet additionally may operate without it.

It’s highly efficient at communicating with and accessing numerous database types. It makes it ideal for web-based scripts, like site content management systems that must store information in a database. The language will support a variety of database types; one of the most critical of the cons and pros of PHP.

Con: Not suitable for making desktop apps

One main disadvantage of PHP is that it’s usually not appropriate for making desktop applications. It’s why it is vital that you weigh the cons and pros of PHP in association with a certain project prior to deciding whether you should use it. Plus, as compared with other languages, applications usually operate slower. Whether it’s a problem for a specific project will depend upon the processing power needed to execute it.

Amongst the more frequently discussed cons and pros of PHP when you hire PHP developer in India includes its error handling. Error handling traditionally is considered poor as compared with additional programming languages, mostly because of PHP’s history of development, as well as its support for older functions. It means it may take more time to find out why a certain piece of code is not working as expected.

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