Problem is it's turning into Maplestory 2 Mesos

Posted by Yanzi Luccy
Jun 6, 2018
Problem is it's turning into Maplestory 2 Mesos a huge annoyance and affecting my and many others' gameplay as a result of ksers, map crashers, and even just people crowding the map to have a reward box from an Elite Boss. I'd try to train at a Drakes map perhaps in abandoned maps but folks would come and lag the place with their abilities and even try to ks to make us kill quicker. Despite asking these people never to kill steal our mobs or spam their skills that induce lag, a number of these players don't and won't listen 90% of the time.

Formerly, elite supervisors were just available to all those of the same level range involving wages. Even though there were kill stealers trying to seek the Elite boss, there was not half the Maple Story Mesos host coming and causing the lag. The new way of recieving rewards from Elite bossing have generated a huge problem with kill stealing and too much lag using the individual who's attempting to train their character.

I suggest we bring back the old method of degree range only characters, which are allowed to receive the benefits rather than "whoever hits the elite supervisor, has at least 1 benefit" method. I know people depend on those Elite Bosses to make maplestory mesos out of these but they shouldn't need to ks the player or induce the player to lag by disturbing their gameplay. If the community cannot learn to respect others, then I think they will need to adhere to a new set of rules so as to get what they want.

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