Preparing Your Home for Winter - Before it Arrives

Posted by Ricky Pollock
Jul 25, 2019

Although the dog days of summer are upon us, preparing for the season ahead is never a bad idea. The cold months are going to be here before we know it, and so it is crucial that homeowners are able to keep an eye on their home’s furnace all year round. Before winter is upon us, make sure to prepare your furnace before you are left out in the cold.

When you are concerned about your home’s furnace, the first step is to call an HVAC professional for the initial inspection. Even if your furnace is working as it should, it is best to make sure. An HVAC professional, trained and skilled in heating and cooling services, will be able to change the filter, check for leaks and any unhealthy gases, clean the furnace, and ensure it is appropriately operational. If you need a new furnace or repairs, an HVAC professional can fix things before they become too significant.

However, there are a few things you can do at home to make sure your furnace is working as it should. It is generally suggested that you change your furnace filters every three months, but you should take a look at the filters once a month to make sure it looks normal. To avoid losing track or not having filters around to change them properly, stock up on filters for your furnace during the winter months. Generally, when preparing your furnace for winter,  furnace filters are cheaper during the summer, so purchasing them out of season is a frugal decision.

Check around the furnace and make sure that nothing is stored near it, and there are no objects around it, or around the air ducts and return vents. Even a few legos or a balled up tissue can cause a fire around your home’s furnace. Regularly vacuum around the area and make sure your children or pets stay away from the furnace. For those households with a gas furnace, make sure the furnace is filled during the summer because, as with the filters, the gas for your furnace will cost significantly more during the winter. Households with a hot water radiator should bleed the valves regularly, and open them slightly before closing them again if you notice water.

Even when you are enjoying your summer, don’t forget that winter is just a few months away and you’ll need to keep your furnace going strong. If you aren’t sure what to look for are have any concerns about your home’s furnace, call your local Upper Valley plumber and schedule a routine inspection.
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