PHP Training Institute in Ghaziabad ShimpyInfotech

Posted by Shimpy Infotech
Dec 12, 2017

The PHP is a programming language most widely used by web developers. It is a general purpose scripting language that can also be embedded in HTML. It is a recursive acronym for “PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor”. It can create and manage dynamic contents to interact with database, tracking the sessions and also building complete e-commerce websites.

PHP was started as a small open source project and gradually it was developed by many specialists as they found out its usefulness in wider aspects. PHP can be integrated with many databases like Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase and Informix. Along with MySQL server, we can get set of huge results for very complex queries in record setting time.

PHP also supports major protocols like POP3, LDAP and IMAP etc. in large scale. Java and distributed object architectures (COM and CORBA) are also supported in PHP4. This opens up the possibility of entire development altogether.

In addition PHP is useful in many other ways:-

  • Performs system functions like creating files on a system, opening, reading, writing, and closing them as well.
  • Handles forms like gathering data from files, saving data to a file, sending data through email and returning data to the user.
  • Adds, deletes and modifies elements within the database
  • Can access the cookies and set them.
  • Can restrict users to access selected pages of the website.
  • Encrypts data.

Because of its huge usefulness PHP is gaining popularity among the web developers. It is very easy to learn PHP as well, as its syntex is very much similar to the C-language. ShimpyInfotech provides full fledged PHP training to give the web developers a competitive edge. Advantages of taking a PHP training program in ShimpyInfotech are:

  • Experienced team of PHP professionals and industrial experts
  • Interactivity to provide a robust and hands-on PHP training experience
  • Providing new development practices.
  • Exposure to live projects scheduled in advance.
  • A certified PHP training Program
  • Complete coverage of PHP language like Core PHP, Advance PHP, CMS and PHP Framework.
  • 100% job assistance

Core PHP Training

Core PHP training course emphasize on the basic concepts of PHP programming language. By this course aspirant able to understand the syntax rules , data type , data structures, re-usability principle, modules, packages and other basic concepts.

Advance PHP Training

By Advance PHP extension you become a successful developer, when you set your goal, invest your time and learn PHP course from a professional institute.This is really simple language to learn and work with practically all the OS for eg Linux,MAC,windows and others. Main benefits is that if you are not a programmer, you will easily understand this language easily without any problem.

CMS Training

CMS (Content Management System) is a popular tool that widely used in various corporate and marketing websites like shopping, news, movies, article etc. to manage the content (like edit, publish, and organize etc. content on web pages). Content management application (CMA) and content display application (CDA) are two components of CMS

PHP Frameworks Training

Get Training in PHP framework at ShimpyInfotech. We offer you PHP framework training for Zend framework, Cake PHP, Laravel, Yii Framework, Codelgniter with live projects under reasonable and affordable course fees.

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