Perfect Ayurvedic Hair Care Products for a Healthy and Hair Growth

Posted by Store Jiva
Mar 8, 2018
Growth of the hair depends upon multiple factors such as proper nutrition and care. For a perfect hair growth, a person must involve the intake of essential and healthy nutrients in their diet. Apart from that, the most important thing is care. The hairs on the scalp will only remain thick and healthy when you take good care of them. Exposure to dust and pollution makes the hair thin and hair fall starts to happen.

To avoid the hair fall people start experimenting various tonics and chemicals on their scalp, which is very harmful for the hairs. The use of hair gel and wax damages the hair quality. The problem of hair fall can easily be solved by going the natural way, i.e. by going through the ayurvedic hair care process. In Ayurveda, the hair is taken care of by providing all the essential nutrients to the hair scalp. It contains products for external application through which the hair can be grown back at the faster pace. There is no involvement of harmful chemicals and gel in ayurveda’s treatment hence it has no side effects. So we decided to present you some of the ayurvedic products which you can use for a healthy hair growth -:

Thyme & Rosemary Tonic

This tonic has tones of benefits, it accommodates healthy ingredients such as amla, bhringraj, thyme, rosemary and bel. Amla pacifies the pitta dosha as it does not allow hair to fall particularly because of pitta dosha. Bhringraj on the other hand is there to balance the vata dosha, if the hairs fall due to the imbalance in vata dosha, bhringraj will balance it, Thanks to its properties. Thyme on the other hand has anti-septic properties, it promotes the blood circulation in the follicles of the hair because of which the hairs start to thicken up and they become strong, resulting in no hair fall. Bel is there to ensure that the quality of the hair produced is good by nourishing the brain cells. Rosemary stimulates hair bulbs and prevents the baldness before time. To summon it all up, this tonic is a perfect mixture that not only improves your hair quality but also prevents hair fall. 

Almond Shampoo

Almond shampoo is well known for maintaining a proper balance of vata dosha so that the hairs remains thick and healthy. If a person uses almond shampoo on a regular basis, the working of their nervous system will improve and the shampoo will provide strength to the centers of the brain that are connected to senses. It nourishes the scalp and makes the hairs lustrous, silkier and smoother at the same time. So, if you are suffering from thinning of hair, dandruff or hair fall, we recon you to start using the almond shampoo today. It is 100% natural and ayurvedic.

Amla Oil

A person who is suffering from dandruff, hair fall and greying of hair must use this ayurvedic hair oil. As we all know amla is rich in vitamin C content, deficiency of which leads to graying of hair and hair fall, it provides the proper nutrition to hairs preventing all the hair related issues. There are a lot of people who find it difficult to maintain their natural hair color because of which they try using various chemicals and dyes which can be harmful for the hair growth, instead, they should use amla oil which brings the natural hair color by nourishing the scalp. 

All these products will bring back the natural hair type just by supplying what is required by the roots of the hair.  
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