Open Heart Surgery Hospitals In New Delhi and NCR

Open Heart Surgery-
Open heart Surgery is heart surgery where chest cut open to perform Heart Surgery. Open Heart Surgery sometimes called traditional Heart Surgery. During the surgery health artery or vein grafted to block coronary artery.
Need for Open Heart Surgery-
When Blood vessels blocked, that hamper Oxygen supply to Heart Muscle. Also need in Heart Valve, repair or damaged Heart Muscle, Medical device implant.
Risk in Open Heart Surgery –
Associated risk factors are rare but mentioned as chest wound infection, irregular Heartbeat, Blood clot, Lung or Kidney failure.
you will have two or three tubes in your chest. These are to help drain fluid from the area around your heart. You may have intravenous (IV) lines in you, supplying you with fluids. You may have a catheter (thin tube) in your bladder to remove urine.
Incision care is extremely important. Keep your incision site warm and dry, and wash your hands before and after touching it. If your incision is healing properly and there is no drainage, you can take a shower. The shower shouldn’t be more than 10 minutes with warm (not hot) water. You should ensure that the incision site isn’t hit directly by the water. It’s also important to regularly inspect your incision sites for signs of infection, which include.
Options for Open heart surgery hospitals in New Delhi-
There are many network hospitals in New Delhi, with state of art of Cardiac department. Like Apollo Hospital, Metro Heart Hospital, Delhi Heart & Lung Hospital, Max Hospital, Fortis Escort Hospital, BLK Hospital, Moolchand Hospital, Action Balaji Hospital, Batra Hospital, Saroj Hosptal.
How to get appointment –
Surgivisor assist to get appointment for Open heart Surgery Hospitals In New Delhi.