Online Shopping Scams: How to Shop Safely and Smartly on your Favourite Sites.

Posted by Desrtcart UAE
Mar 19, 2022

Online shopping scams have increased exponentially after the beginning of the global pandemic in 2019. After the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic scammers have gained control over the Internet by a large extent. All the cyber security’s and laws try to protect the citizens from unlawful activities it is not possible to eradicate all criminals within a short span of time. Thus as alert citizens of the nation it is our responsibility to protect ourselves from Internet scams.

What To Do If You Get Scammed While Online Shopping ?

The most important thing if you get scammed during online shopping is to remain calm.

After coming down your nerves you should take the next steps very quickly without any delay. First of all, if you have been scammed based on your credit information and you see a constant outflow of money from your bank account then you should contact your bank's offices immediately. The first thing that you should do if credit cards are involved in your scam is freezing your current bank account. Immediately contact the bank and explain the whole situation to them. After this they will freeze or block your bank account so that no more activity is possible.

After you have secured your bank account by freezing it you should move to a local authoritative figure like the police to register a complaint. The police is an organisation which has several branches like the cyber crime department or other divisions. The first and foremost thing to do after getting scammed is Inform the local station or the police about it.

The bank had recently issued statements claiming that any scam which reported in the period of 72 hours can be reclaimed easily. Thus quick action and promptness are essential to revive your money.

How to Report Online Shopping Scams?

Different countries have different procedures to report online shopping scams. The best way to report a scam is to issue a notice on your public social media account like Facebook or Instagram and inform your friends and family about the mishap. After this you can also approach a local consumer court along with their local helpline number to report the scam.

How to Prevent Online Shopping Scams?

Reporting online scams and reviving your money is a cumbersome procedure. The best way To save your money is to avoid online shopping scams in the first place.

You should know how to shop form International market online and safety tips are Mandatory to follow.

Here Are Some Steps You Can Take To Avoid Online Shopping Frauds:

Shop Only From Authentic Web Stores

Cannot stress enough on the importance of shopping from authentic websites only. It is very important that you invest your money and spend it on commodities only on very famous websites. There are several shopping sites which are known and reputed and we urge you to shop only from them. There are several new web stores which are popping up all around the Internet like mushrooms. Do not shop from them before verifying their authenticity. Most scams happen as people are naïve And give away their money to fake websites.

If you want to shop on your favourite website then make sure to use a strong user password.

Another method by which you can protect yourself against scams is ensuring that you have a very strong password. Usually passwords should be 8 characters long and include a mix of capital letters, special characters and small letters. Hackers are not able to crack Open strong passwords very easily and this can save you from being under their victim radar.

Make Sure You Inform All Your Friends and Family About a Particular Web Store Which is Fake

The best method to increase social awareness is informing our friends and family about fake web stores In the unfortunate event of getting scanned. Every time you spot Fake website or get scammed unfortunately you should inform all your friends and family about it. You should create a message which is authentic in nature and circulate it on your social media groups through Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp or any other social media application that you use. Gaining awareness is the first step to cutting out scams by large numbers.

Never Give Out Your Credit Card Information or Other Sensitive Information to Inauthentic Websites

Sometimes certain web stores seem to be authentic but are suspicious in nature. If you have the slightest bit of suspicion never give out your personal information or credit card information to the website. Avoid shopping from these online shopping sites altogether. Sensitive information like your address, name, location of your house and credit card information must only be given out to trusted sources. Once you give out your personal information like phone number and credit card information to inauthentic websites they circulate it amongst hacking circles. Your bank account might be emptied within no time if you fall prey to malicious websites.

Make Sure Your Antivirus Application is Always Up To Date

There are several antivirus applications which are available in the market. Make sure that you install one for your desktop or laptop and keep it up to date. These antivirus applications may prove to be instrumental in keeping malware At bay.

Never Click On Malicious Links or Hyperlinks Which Land Up in Your Inbox From Unknown Sources

One of the recent ways of scamming a customer is by providing malicious links in their inbox. You should never click on these suspicious links as they might lead to malicious websites. Once you click on this link all the money from your bank account can be stolen. Yes it is that easy nowadays to perform scams. It is our responsibility to protect ourselves from frauds by not clicking on any suspicious links.

Final Words:

Online shopping portals have a strengthened security system to facilitate online transactions. If you are sure about a shopping site and no that it is authentic then you can go ahead with online transactions. However if you have never shopped from the web store before and have no means to check its genuineness then it is best to avoid shopping from these sites or opting for cash on delivery services. 

It is true that  online frauds have increased all over the Internet. However it must be kept in mind that by avoiding simple mistakes and follies scams can be avoided altogether. Millions of people browse the web without getting scanned only by following simple protocols. We wish you a happy shopping from your favourite site!

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