Old Pet Stains Can Be Removed Easily and Quickly

Posted by Fizzion Clean
Jul 6, 2018
Dogs depend upon their excellent, extremely strong sense of smell for almost everything that surround them. Dog owners must be very well aware of their pet dogs' tendency to urinate at a same spot, again and again, even though their pets are well-trained. Often, dogs identify their place for urination because of their strong smelling power. They return to same place where they urninated last time. Even the well-trained dogs who are not supposed to go to any other place than defined litter boxes, can go out of their way and leave their mess on your carpet.

And what's worse is that the smell of urine can act as a trigger for them to come again and repeat their mistake. That's why it is very important to remove pet stains as soon as possible and also eliminate any urnie odor so that your dog cannot smell it again. Quicker you remove it, easier it will be removed. Spotting old stains can be tricky, but it can also be done without much hassle. If you're wondering how to get old pet stains out of carpet , this article will prove really helpful to you. Read on to know more about it.

First of all, you have to begin by spotting the stain. Remember, locating old stains is not easy because they're not as visible as new ones. If pet stains have been left undetected, they will be soaked into carpet fibers and pad underneath. It can be challenging, but not impossible to deal with old pet stains. You can follow some useful steps to deal with set in, stubborn stains to remove both the odor and prevent discoloration of your carpet. Since most old pet stains are likely to become faded, you may as well consider using ultra-violet or fluorescent back light to spot less-visible old pet stains.

After you've spotted the stain, you can now use a good quality, CO2 containing, natural pet stain remover to remove even the most stubborn and old pet stains quickly and efficiently. Spray the solution on the spoiled area and blot it slowly in circular motions with a clean, dry cloth. Repeat the process several times until the stain marks begin to disappear. Old pet stains take longer to get removed as compared to new pet stains, thus leading to a longer cleaning time. If you use a natural pet stain remover, you need not worry too much about how to get old pet stains out of carpet.

Coming to conclusion, buying good quality pet stain removal product is easy these days because there are plenty of options available. You can buy these at local pet shops or at various online stores. You can buy according to your convenience. Online purchase can also get you good discounts which can help to save your money. Make sure that you are only buying natural pet stain removal products which do not contain harmful chemicals which can damage your carpet fibers as well as fail to remove the foul odor of pet's urine, vomit or feces.
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